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кафедры историй Казахстана 


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Список публикации за 2021 год


The role of Uluses and Zhuzes in the formation of the ethnic territory of the Kazakh People

Aidana Koptileuova, Bolat Kumekov, Meiramkul Bizhanova


ASTRA Salvensis, Supplement

The article is devoted to one of the pressing issues of Kazakh historiography – the problems of the formation of the ethnic territory of the Kazakh people. The ethnic territory of the Kazakh people is the national borders of today’s Republic of Kazakhstan, inherited from the nomadic ancestors – the Kazakh Khanate. Uluses are a distinctive feature of the social structure of nomads, Zhuzes are one of the Kazakh nomads. In this regard, our goal is to determine their role in shaping the ethnic territory of the Kazakh people. To do this, a comparative analysis will be made according to different data and historiographic materials, in addition, the article will cover the issues of the appearance of the zhuzes system in Kazakh society and its stages. As a result of this work, the authorial offers are proposed – the hypothesis of the gradual formation of the ethnic territory and the Kazakh zhuzes system.



The Concept of "Zheti-Ata" and The Prohibition of Marriage up to Seven Generations in Kazakh Culture

Kozğambayeva Gulnar, Yegizbayeva Meruyert, Urazbayeva Akzhamal



Millî Folklor

In the Kazakh people, people belonging to seven generations were considered as close relatives and these seven generations were prohibited from marrying among themselves. In the traditional consciousness of the Kazakh people “zheti-ata” which means “seven grandfathers” in Kazakh, is a system for spreading male lineage. The Kazakh people are divided into three “zhuz”es (tribal divisions). People who have a common seventh ancestor are considered the children of the same father, and they are not allowed to marry each other. In Kazakh society, knowledge of the names of the seven ancestors is mandatory for every person. The prohibition of marriage up to seven generations protected the Kazakh society from incest and loss of generic and genetic qualities. Therefore, the elders of the Kazakh people maintained family ties until seven generations grew up. Starting from the eighth generation, a new name was determined for “ru” (clans). For this reason, elders, judges, and heads of this clan invited members of their lineage, slaughtered the white mare, prayed, and since the seven generations are completed, they gave permission for this line to be married. in some Turkish noble peoples such as Uzbeks and Turkmens, the main aim of this article is to determine and analyze the similarity of the Kazakh tradition of creating a family, as well as to identify the features of the tradition of the prohibition of marriage up to seven generations in comparison with other. Since family marriages lead to the emergence of many genetic diseases, the problem of maintaining blood purity, which is an important traditional understanding in the prevention of health problems, is very important not only for Kazakhs but also for the health and future of generation of all peoples.



Борьба с эпидемиями в Казахстане в первой трети ХХ в.

Кокебаева Гульжаухар Какеновна, Шилдебай Сабит Камытбекович


Oriental Studies

  Введение. Распространение опасных инфекционных болезней было постоянным спутником развития истории человечества. Пандемия, связанная с распространением новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19, подчеркивает важность изучения многолетнего опыта преодоления глобальных эпидемий. Цели и задачи исследования. В данной статье сделана попытка проанализировать проблему распространения инфекционных болезней в Казахстане и историю борьбы с эпидемией. История борьбы с эпидемиями в советском Казахстане охватывает большие пространственные и временные масштабы, поэтому хронологические рамки исследования ограничены периодом до начала 30-х гг. ХХ в. Материалы и методы. Материалами исследования являются документы из фондов Центрального государственного архива научно-технической документации Республики Казахстан и опубликованные отчеты государственных учреждений. При проведении исследования использован дескриптивный метод, который применяется при изучении проблем «реальной жизни». Дескриптивный метод позволил восстановить условия возникновения и распространения эпидемий в Казахстане и способов борьбы с ними. Применялся также историко-генетический метод, позволивший последовательно раскрыть сущность и динамику эпидемической ситуации в Казахстане в изучаемый период. Применение историко-сравнительного метода позволило выявить положительную динамику борьбы против распространения инфекционных болезней в советском Казахстане. Результаты. Проанализирована эпидемическая ситуация в Казахстане в дореволюционный и советский периоды. Исследована история образования и развития системы противоэпидемической защиты в советский период. Выявлены основные методы борьбы союзных и республиканских государственных учреждений с распространением инфекционных болезней. Сделаны выводы относительно эффективности искоренения особо опасных инфекционных болезней путем вакцинации, медико-санитарного просвещения населения и других дополнительных мер.


Список публикации за 2020 год


Religious beliefs and traditional worldview of Eurasian nomadic communities: Historiography

Maidanali Z., Arystanbekova K.D., Saginayeva A.N., Koshymova A.O.


European Journal of Science and Theology

This article deals with the religious beliefs and traditional worldview of Eurasian nomadic communities and focuses on the historiographical notion of the given problem. The development of historical science shows the very need to define criteria for evaluating and classifying the written and oral sources related to the concept of the religious beliefs and traditional worldview of Eurasian nomadic communities.


Список публикации за 2019 год


Вклад российских имперских научно-краеведческих обществ в научное изучение Центральной Азии

Удербаева С.К., Любичанковский А.В.


Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История».

  В данной статье на основе архивных источников, новейшей литературы рассматривается история создания, научно-исследовательская, краеведческая деятельность целого ряда Российских имперских научно-краеведческих обществ пореформенного периода. Новизна данной статьи заключается в попытке системного анализа истории создания, итогов научной и издательской деятельности географических, архивных, археологических, статистических обществ, действовавших на территории имперской Центральной Азии. Изучение результатов исследовательской деятельности научно-краеведческих обществ позволило сделать вывод о существенном вкладе в научное изучение Центральной Азии дореволюционных научных обществ.



New Methodological Approaches to the Study of Political History of the Golden Horde in the 13th-16th Centuries

Karibaev Bereket, Maidanali Zere, Bizhanova Meiramkul, Koshymova Aknur, Noyanov Yedil.


Codrul cosminulu

The article discusses the theoretical and conceptual approaches of modern historical sci-ence on the issues of the Golden Horde's political history, revealing research paradigms and principles concerning the existence and behaviour of the nomadic statehood. The authors present the progress of historical knowledge in studying the issues related to social and political changes and the transformation of the Golden Horde. The interaction and the mutual influence of political structures on the sedentary agricultural populations as well as the dynamics and continuity of ideological processes were identified on the basis of new methodological principles of research. At the same time, the actualization and extrapola-tion of previous historical experience are particularly important, allowing to adequately mark the place of the nomadic civilization in the world-historical processes as a part of world history. Modern historical thought is characterized by new theoretical and concep-tual approaches and the removal of clichés on the political history of the Golden Horde.


Список публикации за 2018 год


Religious identification of traditional kazakh society in the 16th-19th centuries.

Nurtazina N., Kozgambayeva G., Yegizbaeva M., Beisegulova A., Soikina N.


European Journal of Science and Theology

Исследуется религия традиционного казахского общества, анализируются дискуссионные аспекты, на основе средневековых источников определено ведущее влияние мусульманского компонента



Comparative analysis on digital diplomacy in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan

Tassilova, A., Zhappasov, Z., Shyngyssova, N., .Tasylova, N., Kozgambayeva, G.


Astra Salvensis .

Digital diplomacy is a new and developing tool of public diplomacy. In 21st century, where information is the most powerful tool of politics, importance of the study of Digital Diplomacy increases for a several times. The purpose of this article is to analyze such concepts as public diplomacy, digital diplomacy and media diplomacy in the context of contemporary international relations. Also, the authors of the study conducted a comparative analysis of the involvement of diplomatic services of 3 countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan) in the sphere of digital diplomacy. In the course of the work, a scoring assessment of the positions of countries in international and national rankings was conducted.

Statistical data were compiled for each country, which allowed obtaining the most complete picture of the digital trends in the diplomacy of the above three countries.


Список публикации за 2017 год


Kazak Türklerinin Oluşumunda Oğuzların rolü: Etnik ve Coğrafi bütünleşme*/ The Role of Oguzs in the Formation of Kazakh Turkic: Ethnical and Geographical Integration

Omarbekov T., Nogaybayeva M.S., Koşımova A.


Millî Folklor

Oguzs who have an important role among Turkish tribes, had to emigrate due to several reasons since they stepped in the history scene. Today’s Republic of Kazakhstan is also among the lands they emigrated. Many of the Oguz tribes played part of the tribes which constituted Kazakh people. Tribes named as Eight Oguz, Eight Aris are among them. Also other tribes derived from Oguzs like Jalairs, Naimans, Kangars, Karluks played part of the constitution of Three Juz (Ulu: Big, Kiçik: Little, Midd- le) forming Kazak people. Oguzs who impacted the formation of many Turkish peoples lived in today Kazakhistan’s geography and established their states. Also, the place where the ancient Kangar State was established was in the heart of Turkestan, within Jaxartes, Aral, Talas and Chu Rivers’ region. This geography became the saced gathering place of Three Juz later on. Oguzs also continued their presence until the foundation of Kazakh Khanate by establishing many cities in this geographical re- gion. In this paper, the presence of Oguz tribes in the formation of Kazak people and Oguz settlements established in today Kazakhistan territory were tried to put in evidence after evaluating related histo- rical sources and experts’ views. The Kangar-Oguz relations and the Kangar-Oguz union on which long discussions were held among historians were also mentioned.



Historical and cultural interaction and communication kuman-kipchak with neighboring nations in the VIII-XII Centuries

Saginayeva A., Khabizhanova G., Kuldibayev E


Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Istorie

The origin of all the nations of the earth, their history, their traditions, life style, language and culture had an influence to each other. Therefore, the study of ethno-cultural, historical ties between the East and the West, and Slavic peoples and Turkic world from the modern aspects of the review is very important. First of all, interested is paid for the process of cultural integration, national unity and culture similarity and national value features. Currently, the basis of the two main ethnic communities living in the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia is the relations between Turkic people and Slavic people.



Kazak kültüründe nevruz ve nevruznâme bayrami ritüelleri,  özellikleri

Tattigül Kartaeva, Gulnar Habijanova


Türk Kültürü ve Haci Bektas veli

  Nevruz Bayramı, Doğu takvimine göre yeni yılı karşılama bayramıdır. Nevruz bayramının tarihi ve önemi hakkındaki yazılı belgelerin çoğu Orta Asırlık Doğu bilginlerinin, Orta Asya'ya gelen araştırmacıların, seyyahların, eğitmenlerin ve Alaş aydınlarının çalışmalarından ibarettir. Kazaklar arasında bilinen Nevruz hakkındaki birçok belgeler, sözlü olarak ulaşmıştır. Ömer Hayyam'ın katkılarıyla oluşturulmuş takvimden başlayarak Nevruz'un ilk gününü gece ile gündüzün eşitlenmesi durumunda kutlama kalıplaşmıştır. Eski zamanlarda Nevruz'un yılın başlangıcı olarak kutlanması, takvimdeki yanlışlıklar sebebiyle yılın her döneminde değişmiştir. Eski ve orta asırdaki doğu memleketlerinde Nevruz kutlamaları padişah saraylarına layık güzellik ve ihtişamla kutlanmıştır. Kazak halkının Nevruz Bayramı'nı kutlama şekli, diğer Doğu halklarına nazaran kendine has özellikler ile farklılıklar içermektedir. Geleneksel Kazak toplumunda Nevruz ayında yapılan Nevruznâme adlı yeni yılı karşılama merasimleri birkaç gün sürmüştür.



Oguz's history in the examples of folklore.

Koshymova A., Omarbekov T., Nogaybayeva M.S.


Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie

Genealogical data reached us as legends, stories, fairy tales, poems, poetries, and oratorical speeches which tell us about origin of human, formation of nations and tribes and their disjunction, about well-known heroes’ and other famous people’s life, customs and traditions, political events etc. The ability of the legendary and genealogic information of the poems and legends such as “Turkmen genealogy”, “Oguz-name”, “The book of Korkyt Ata” can open new stage of the history. Containing the information about world outlook and religious beliefs, and etc. of Oguz tribes who populated Syrdaiya region, Aral, the north of Kaspi Sea plays considerable role in unfolding the content of the topic. In the study, the results of archaeological excavations carried out in the towns of Oguz and data of samples of folklore were compared, and it was determined that it was the cultural heritage of cities of Zhankent, Kumkent, Shaulder, Barshınkent. It was proved that using data of folklore samples can help to unfold the historical truth.



Список публикации за 2016 год


The “Proceedings” of the Orenburg Scientific Archival Commission as a Historical Source

Uderbaeva S.K.


Oriente Moderno


İn this article the author presents an analysis of the history of the “Proceedings” of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission (osac) as a historical source. In the course of the thirty years of its activities, the osac has done great work sorting out of archival files of the Orenburg Governor-General’s office and the archives of other institutions of the province, as well as of the archival institutions in other regions. From the beginning the osac’s members were engaged in active scientific-research work and publication of sources. By the efforts of the osac activists, 35 volumes of “Proceedings” have been published.



Teaching the cultural heritage of Kazakh people in higher education by means of extracurricular activities in museums

Shashayeva, G., Zhappasov, Z., Tasilova, N.


International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies


Currently, much attention is being paid to spiritual and cultural heritage of nations. In recent years, cultural policies in Kazakhstan have been promoted the material and spiritual heritage, both within the country and at an international level. Efforts have been directed to the preservation of these values in museums and specialized institutions, as well as to their cultural transmission in educational programs in colleges and universities. This paper presents some of these policies and shows the vital relation between the work in cultural heritage preservation developed in museums and educational processes. It also inquiries into how these relations might be made more productive by means of Information and Communication Technologies. In this regard, the archaeological museum materials are the means of the cultural heritage of both material and spiritual values, which is an important factor in education.



Experimental study of psychological and pedagogical

readiness of the future teachers for moral and spiritual

development of senior school students

Aigul Igenovna Akhmetova, Gulbakhira Koybagarovna Shirinbaeva,

Zhanna Kenzhebekovna Axakalova, Naziya Aitbaevna Tasilova,

Ainur Ornalievna Zhubaniyazova


International journal of environmental & science education

The problem of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers for moral and spiritual development of high-school students should be considered in the context of holistic manifestation of all aspects of personality. In this regard, one of the most urgent tasks is to identify the professional and personal characteristics that influence the readiness of the future teacher already at the stage of training at the Institution of Higher Education to teach "Self-cognition" discipline. At the same time, the basis of psychological and pedagogical training of the future teachers should be capability for conscious spiritual and professional growth, responsibility for activities in the formation of students' worldview and behavioral guidance through the prism of universal human values, development of their need for self-cognition and creative self-realization.



Список публикации за 2013 год


Central Asian Turkic Tribes: Karakitay Periodin Their Cultural and Ethnic History

T. Omarbekov, G. Khabizhanova, M. Nogaibayeva


World Applied Sciences Journal

Problems of ethno cultural and political history of Karachinese period’s Turkic tribes on the territory of Eurasian steppes are related with migration processes, when inter-tribal historical contacts have formed ethnic character of medieval people. In this respect, the article examines historical consequences of Kidan’s influence on the formation of Turkic tribes in the period preceding and following the invasion of Kidan in Eastern Turkestan and Semirechye (Seven rivers) region.
