
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Literary Study



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Philological Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
LO1: To conduct empirical research on collection and analysis of data for the formulation of research problem in the subject area of literary studies, folklore and textology, analyzing works, summarizing research, evaluating scientific opinions.
LO2: To assess the development of genres, determine trends of their development and integrity of the artistic system as a result of applied research in the field of literary studies, folklore and textology on the basis of systematic, interdisciplinary, psychoanalytic, cognitive approaches and comparative-historical, comparative, typological methods.
LO3: Present the results of scientific research in the form of writing a section of research work, analytical review, or report for scientific conference on various subject areas of literary studies, using modern methodology.
LO4: To organize and design research work in scientific institutions and departments, using management methodology.
LO5: To test the results of research work, discuss current problems of literary and folklore studies, using Arabic, Chagatai and Persian writing.
LO6: Implement a set of theoretical and textual procedures for data collection, analysis and process of studying artistic, scientific, journalistic, translation, and critical texts.
LO7: Edit artistic, scientific, and journalistic texts and various types of publications, using the rules and norms of academic and artistic stylistics.
LO8: Conduct literary studies of folklore, based on the principle of systematization of folklore genres, comparative study of their variants, compare and analyze

the relationship between genres, show their common features and differences.
LO9: When editing texts, in research work, conduct textual analysis to determine the attribution, dates of works and the main text using the latest text recognition devices.
LO10: Develop projects on cultural and mass activities for the younger generation, using knowledge in the field of literary studies, folklore studies in various public and cultural organizations.
LO11: Conduct training sessions on literary studies, folklore studies in universities and colleges in offline and online formats, using innovative digital technologies and modern pedagogical strategies, developing methodological support for courses.
LO12: be able to work in team, have skills of self-analysis, self-regulation, to carry out academic written and oral communication.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years