
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Kazakh Philology



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Philological Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
LO1. Evaluate the actual problems of the subject area of Kazakh philology for the research of scientific problems, formulating the goals and objectives of scientific research, using the conceptual and terminological apparatus of linguistics and its methodology.
LO2. Conduct analytical studies of scientific sources, language materials, linguistic teachings, methods, techniques for conducting applied research in the field of phonetics, phonology, grammatology, grammar, history of the Kazakh language and dialectology, lexicology, onomasiology, speech culture, terminology.
LO3. Conduct research on modern graphics of the Kazakh language, using the types of graphics of the medieval written heritage and the writing system of Akhmet Baitursynov.
LO4. Participate in the compilation of lexicographic works, using comparative-historical, comparative, genealogical, etymological, typological, and modification methods of research.
LO5. Plan research work in scientific organizations using project management based on linguistic methods and principles.
LO6. Present scientific results at international and national scientific and practical conferences, discuss the problems of Kazakh philology, publish articles with a high citation index.
LO7. Develop the mechanisms of structural linguistics of the Kazakh language, using the methods of related sciences, historical and functional, comparative, intertextual methods.
LO8. Make recommendations as a result of grammatical research for improving the Kazakh writing on the basis of classifications, typologizations, modeling, quantitative-statistical, semantic, stylistic analysis.
LO9. Defend his own positions and convince his opponents on the basis of valid and reliable research results, demonstrate personal qualities that require initiative and personal responsibility, and work in a team.
LO10. Correct scientific, technical, artistic, and advertising texts, using the basics of spelling, punctuation, and stylistics.
LO11. Preparation of public speech based on genre principles, stylistic methods, and language standards.
LO12. Design, plan different types of classes with a variety of pedagogical methods, form and demonstrate the quality of training of highly qualified teachers of the new formation on the principles of close integration of science, education and innovations.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years