
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Mathematics (URChA)


Mechanics and Mathematics

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. To conduct different types of classes in mathematical disciplines, using new educational technologies and teaching methods in traditional and distance forms and to develop their methodological support, tasks for students’ independent work, recommendations for the implementation of practical tasks, action plans for educational work;
ON2. To develop model isomorphism using the transfer method for characterizing universal, existential and inductive theories;
ON3. To conduct applied research in the field of economics, financial analysis, sociology, medicine using methods of stochastic data analysis;
ON4 To work with foreign scientific publications in the field of mathematics, competently use linguistic and linguistic-cultural knowledge to summarize scientific information in the field of mathematics, including in a foreign language;
ON5. To conduct applied research in the field of mathematics and educational technologies, formulating problems and tasks, using computability theory, model theory, field theory;
ON6. To demonstrate knowledge of group theory, for further research using methods in the theory of finite groups;
ON7. To create search algorithms for various queries in databases using numbering theory and data mining tools;
ON8. To develop a curriculum for teaching mathematical disciplines in the context of modern achievements the field of mathematics and the requirements of higher education pedagogy;
ON9. To develop effective mathematical methods to solve applied problems of mathematics, physics, mechanics, economics and management;
ON10. To analyze scientific data to formulate scientific hypotheses in the framework of their own research;
ON 11. To continue independent and autonomous training for creative self-development and self-improvement, for the development of basic and subject competencies throughout all professional activity;
ON12. To make the connection between group theory and finite field theory, to study other finite fields by learning the theoretical foundations of Galois field theory.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years