
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Philosophy and Political Science

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1. Demonstrate conceptual knowledge and understanding of modern theoretical, methodological and applied approaches in psychological activities in the fields of education, business, health, military and specialized services (А1)
2. Present scientific theories within the framework of modern approaches in various fields of psychology that allow you to master research, scientific and pedagogical, managerial, expert, teaching and practical activities (А2)
3. To develop theoretical and methodological models of psychodiagnostics, including models for diagnosing life problems of people in need of corrective actions; develop, select and implement forms, methods and programs of corrective and rehabilitation measures appropriate to the problems in various fields (С1)
4. Make psychodiagnostic, expert, medical and psychological conclusions and recommendations on the use of diagnostic data in psychological activities in various fields of application (С2)
5. Apply the skills of organizing psychological counseling in the field of social, educational, political and business activities; individual counseling in the field of interpersonal relations, career guidance and career planning, personal growth (С3)
6. To organize the work of personnel of the psychological service of higher educational institutions, research psychological centers, institutions of state and non-state profile, ministries and departments, industry sectors, military and law enforcement agencies; to improve the methodological tools of the psychological service of these institutions (В1)
7. Integrate knowledge, skills and abilities to solve practical psychological problems in the field of education, determine the needs for psychological training in the system of higher and additional education (В2)
8. Implement system design of educational material, design of training sessions, organization of communication and interaction in training groups, psychological assessment and monitoring of the effectiveness of training (B3)
9. Formulate problems and tasks, choose appropriate methods and monitoring when conducting psychoprophylactic, psychocorrective, counseling, rehabilitation work with different categories of clients (В4)
10. Develop and implement a program of psychological research based on the application of General professional knowledge and skills in order to identify opportunities for using innovative psychological technologies in various spheres of life (В5)
11. Perform psychological assessment and expertise of social, political, economic, and organizational projects in terms of their psychological components and consequences (В6);
12. To build effective professional communication and leadership within professional teams (doctors, social workers, teachers, military personnel, Emergency workers) (D1).
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years