PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:




  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. To use innovative pedagogical technologies, methods for teaching linguistics disciplines; develop assessment tools, guidelines, methodological manuals;
ON2. On the basis of deep systemic knowledge in the field of cultural linguistics, speech linguistics, speech culture, master the technology of literate speech and master the cultural semantics of ethnomarker words;
ON3. Conduct lectures and practical classes in theoretical and specialized disciplines, taking into account modern areas of linguistics using digital technologies and innovative teaching methods in order to develop students' creativity, critical thinking and cognitive activity.
ON4. Conduct research work, solve problems, prove theorems, creating competition to the advanced scientific community;
ON5. Lead (or be in the forefront) of a scientific school in the direction of Linguistics. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
ON6. Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of Linguoculturology. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
ON7. Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of Linguistics of speech. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
ON8. Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of A culture of speech. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
ON9. Organize and manage scientific conferences. Management of scientific seminars.
ON10. To conduct expert opinions on scientific works in the following directions: cultural linguistics, grammar, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, etc.
And also to do a review on the work of undergraduates, doctoral candidates, theses and scientific articles.
ON11. Advise on the culture of speech, oratory, national linguistic consciousness.
ON12. To own and use linguistic and linguistic knowledge for communication and publications in multilingual and multicultural society in the international arena
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years