PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Cryptology and Information Security (Gylym Ordasy)


Information technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON 1. Conduct analytical research in the field of information security for the scientific formulation of problems by interpreting modern theories and concepts, methods and techniques for applied, experimental, theoretical research.

ON 2. Simulate software products as a result of experimental research in the field of information security and data protection by analyzing and evaluating modern scientific advances in this area.

ON 3. Develop algorithms and implementation programs as a result of applied research in the field of information security and data protection based on a holistic, systematic scientific approach using knowledge in the field of information security systems, information-theoretic approaches to cryptography problems, methods of cryptographic analysis, standards and policies information security and methods for assessing the security of IS.

ON 4. To develop scientific approaches, methods of cryptographic data transformation as a result of theoretical, fundamental and applied research using modern cryptology methodology.

ON 5. Participate in the work of domestic and international research projects to solve applied scientific and educational problems in the field of information security.

ON 6. Make expert opinions in the scientific and practical sphere of the subject area of information security and data protection and reasonably assessing the degree of compliance of the protected objects of informatization and information systems with the current information security standards.

ON 7. Compile the methodology, rules, regulations, instructions and other organizational and administrative documents for information security management of automated information systems.

ON 8. Create effective methods and algorithms that increase the strength of cryptographic tools and algorithms.

ON 9. Implement in practice the basic primitive and applied protocols, have an understanding of the analysis of the strength of the protocols.

ON 10. Develop a methodology for testing and assessing the security of information systems for penetration in order to eliminate incidents based on generally recognized international methodologies.

ON 11. Present in English scientific publications with high impact factor, test results of scientific research, participation in various international conferences, forums and scientific seminars.

ON 12. Carry out teaching activities on educational programs of higher education in online and offline modes, using modern, digital educational resources, problem-oriented, practice-oriented learning technologies, differentiated student-centered pedagogical approaches, developing textbooks, teaching aids, methodological support, educational disciplines on information security.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years