PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Information Systems (Gylym ordasy)


Information technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
LO1. Conduct experimental research in the field of information technology, processing digital, graphic data by intellectual methods;
LO 2. Develop intelligent products as a result of applied research based on the analysis, design, development, testing and integration, implementation, maintenance and development of IS;
LO 3. Develop mathematical models as a result of fundamental and applied research using scientific and technical IT tools;
LO 4. Make expert opinions in the field of information and communication technologies, including intellectual control and decision-making systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent robotic systems, high-performance computing technologies;
LO 5. Develop management strategies and programs for organizing work in scientific institutions in a competitive environment using strategic, project and innovation management;
LO 6. Develop startups generating new ideas;
LO 7. Prepare research projects in the field of Information and communication technologies based on independent research activities to solve specific research tasks;
LO 8. Present scientific publications with a high impact factor in English;
LO 9. Test the results of scientific research, participate in various international conferences, forums and scientific seminars;
LO 10. Implement the results of scientific research models, software products, new technologies, methods, technical documentation, recommendations for solving problems, scientific and technical, experimental design developments in production, scientific and educational activities;
LO 11. Monitor the lifecycle of implemented results;
LO 12. Conduct training sessions on information and communication technologies offline and online using modern, digital, pedagogical technologies;
LO 13. Introduce innovative learning technologies in the educational process in order to develop modern education.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years