PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Technology and Robotics (Gylym ordasy)


Mechanics and Mathematics

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON 1 Design sketches, layouts, create software for managing processes and equipment, using specialized programs Solidworks, Inventor, Shapr 3D, ArtCAM, Compas, AutoCAD/

ON 2 Test models for process control on experimental samples of the created equipment, data collection, using physical and chemical methods of analysis, statistical methods of data processing.

ON 3 Create new technical models in the course of applied research in the field of chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production based on modern methodology, IT technologies, and new materials.

ON 4 Create methods for calculating chemical and physico-chemical constants using special software, algorithms for calculations, micro-reactor, nanotechnology and modern analytical equipment.

ON 5 Develop startups for chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production, medicine, using project management methods, analytical methods for analyzing project data.

ON 6 Develop strategies and programs for the management of scientific institutions/ organizations of chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production, medicine on the basis of strategic, innovative, managerial and project management.

ON 7 To make expert opinions and expert assessments on the created scientific projects in the field of robotics and technology, using models and management methods in project management and evaluation methods.

ON 8 Present scientific results in different foreign languages, publications with a high citation index, scientific reports at conferences, create reports on the work done using modern software.

ON 9 Test the scientific results obtained in the course of research in publications in the field of robotics and technology

ON 10 To obtain data for the optimization of technological and production processes as a result of an analytical study based on special methods for processing a large array of data and special software.

ON 11 Implement scientific results in chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production, medicine, create new automated production processes and lines for obtaining a variety of products.

ON 12 Monitor production processes, process lines for chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production, medicine, using analytical data obtained during modeling and experiments, as well as computer software and equipment that monitors these processes in real time.

ON 13 Conduct training sessions in the field of robotics and technology in a traditional and remote format, using innovative digital resources and modern pedagogical technologies, developing methodological support, textbooks and teaching aids.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years