Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Geography and Environmental Sciences

  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. to describe the basic laws of functioning and development of nature and society based on knowledge of basic laws and methods of natural sciences, physics and mathematics; to explain and interpret the nature of basic physical processes occurring in the atmosphere;
ON2. to carry out field meteorological measurements and observations; to use new equipment, methods and technologies; to apply professional terminology, codes and regulations; to use information and communication technologies in professional activities;
ON3. to create a rational meteorological observation network; to check the quality of the network of meteorological stations and posts; to collect the necessary hydrometeorological information and make its analysis; to organize special meteorological observations; to use various ways of presenting meteorological information;
ON4. to explain and describe the physical processes of cloud formation and precipitation; to systematize them according to morphological and genetic features of education; to explain the nature of the occurrence of various optical and electrical phenomena in the atmosphere;
ON5. to use theoretical and methodological foundations of modern and promising methods of atmospheric sounding; to use modern databases and information retrieval methods; to analyze and evaluate meteorological, upper-air, radio-meteorological and satellite information when making weather forecasts;
ON6. to process and analyze weather maps, baric topography maps, upper-air charts; to identify features of the development of atmospheric processes and weather conditions for compilation of weather forecasts;
ON7. to work with models of general and mesoscale atmospheric circulation and interpret their results for weather forecasts;
ON8. to make short, medium and long-term weather forecasts; specialized meteorological forecasts; warnings about the occurrence of hazardous and spontaneous meteorological phenomena, abrupt weather changes and reporting them to state authorities and management, enterprises, institutions, organizations and public;
ON9. to evaluate hydrometeorological phenomena that are dangerous for various branches of economic activity, to explain the reasons for their occurrence and make a forecast;
ON10. to calculate the main characteristics of climate; to diagnose and analyze climate change trends; to compile an annual review of climatic conditions; to offer a national climate monitoring product using WMO software;
ON11. to assess meteorological factors affecting the state of the environment and to apply in practice developed recommendations for their accounting in order to protect the air basin; to organize the air quality monitoring in real time, including using radar and satellite observations;
ON12. to determine the trajectories of further personal and professional improvement in meteorology and related sciences.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years