Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Life Safety and Environmental Protection


Geography and Environmental Sciences

  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
Upon completion of this program, graduates are expected to be able to:
NO1. Develop and ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation in the field of life safety and environmental protection to ensure safety in general;
NO2. Carry out measurements of the levels of hazards in production conditions, process the results obtained in accordance with regulatory requirements, make forecasts of the possible development of the situation to predict and prevent hazards in production;
NO3. Evaluate occupational risks taking into account the nature of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment, labor process based on measurement and monitoring data;
NO4. Develop and introduce new techniques and technologies to ensure life safety, environmental protection, and protection in emergency situations using international standards and RK standards;
NO5. Plan and organize the safety of equipment and technological processes, to protect workers from industrial hazards using the latest technologies for the prevention of natural and man-made hazards;
NO6. Carry out certification of workplaces and carry out work to create comfortable working conditions, prevent and prevent accidents and occupational diseases in production using the methods of certification and certification;
NO7. Prepare a report of the research, prepare data for the development and implementation of activities to ensure the safety of life and environmental protection;
NO8. Ensure compliance with basic technical and organizational measures to eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies in accordance with regulatory documents;
NO9. Exercise control over the fulfillment of labor safety requirements, the prevention of emergency situations at work and the protection of the environment on the basis of statutory and other regulatory acts;
NO10. Choose and demonstrate effective means of protection against negative factors of production and the environment based on a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the chosen means of protection;
NO11. Put into practice first-aid skills for emergency victims to reduce the loss of population and personnel of economy objects;
NO12. Build a personal educational trajectory throughout life for self-development and career growth, to focus on a healthy lifestyle to ensure a full-fledged social and professional activities through methods and means of physical culture
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years