Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Foreign Philology (Oriental Languages)


Oriental Studies

  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Linguistics
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
Upon completion of this program, bachelors are expected to be able to:
ON1) critically analyze and use the latest achievements in the field of foreign (Eastern) Philology in research of language and speech, the social nature of language and its role in the modern multicultural world;
ON2) to integrate various forms of communication and speech activity (oral, written and extra linguistic) in Eastern and Western languages in the process of professional and cultural communication; to conduct business correspondence; to organize a Protocol event;
ON3) to differentiate the hierarchy of the language system by means of phonetic, morphemic, morphological and syntactic analysis, as well as the interpretation of the role of language as an integral system of functional education;
ON4) compile, translate, analyze, refer and summarize texts in Eastern and Western languages of different genre and stylistic orientation;
ON5) to classify the main concepts in the field of theory and history of world literature, as well as the literature of the country of the studied language on the basis of modern methods and techniques;
ON6) to characterize the scientific, philosophical, religious picture of the world, reflected in the literature in the Eastern languages, and the fundamental concepts on the basis of which these paintings are described;
ON7) to differentiate the stages of the literary process in the country of the studied language; to analyze the artistic significance and originality of the literary work in connection with the social situation and culture of the era;
ON8) to carry out a comprehensive analysis of literary works of the country of the studied language from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre and plot-compositional features, style and poetics;
ON9) to characterize the course of historical, cultural and socio-political development of the country of the studied language, its religious, spiritual and philosophical experience, reasonably assessing the contribution of the achievements of its material and spiritual culture to human civilization;
ON10) to conduct a scientific discussion, defining its own position in relation to the facts of language, literature and culture; to create scientific essays, reports, abstracts, reviews;
ON11) to solve various problems of professional activity with the use of innovative technologies; to work with computer translation programs, electronic dictionaries;
ON12) to carry out joint activities in the group, practically implementing various methods of action in situations of professional communication, tolerant perception of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years