Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Russian Language and Literature



  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Education
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1. Classify language units and describe them according to the categorical parameters of language levels.
- Explain language facts from the perspective of historical development of the language.
- Interpret modern linguistic knowledge from the perspective of language science.
- Explain the norms of modern literary language
- Ranking tactics of speech behavior from the standpoint of stylistic features and semantic and pragmatic orientation.
- Systematically evaluate language phenomena and processes in the form of scientific generalizations (essays).
2. Describe the content and regularities of the literature development,
the main stages of the literary process of classical and modern times.
- Explain the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness reflected in the works of literature.
- To characterize the ideological and aesthetic level and content potential of a literary work in its integrity.
- Characterize the originality of the leading writers, their contribution to the world literature Analyze individually author's, artistic systems.
Upon completion of this educational program, students are expected to be able to do so:
1. Classify language units and describe them according to the categorical parameters of language levels.
- Explain language facts from the perspective of historical development of the language.
- Interpret modern linguistic knowledge from the perspective of language science.
- Explain the norms of modern literary language
- Ranking tactics of speech behavior from the standpoint of stylistic features and semantic and pragmatic orientation.
- Systematically evaluate language phenomena and processes in the form of scientific generalizations (essays).
2. Describe the content and regularities of the literature development,
the main stages of the literary process of classical and modern times.
- Explain the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness reflected in the works of literature.
- To characterize the ideological and aesthetic level and content potential of a literary work in its integrity.
- Characterize the originality of the leading writers, their contribution to the world literature Analyze individually author's, artistic systems.
- Describe the methodology of literary analysis of a literary work.
- To possess modern research tools and different ways of translating the knowledge of the basic concepts of literary criticism
3. Explain (interpret) the patterns of personality formation in the process of upbringing and education, as well as the mechanisms of the process of assimilation of knowledge, development of abilities, taking into account its individual and psychological characteristics.
- To classify technologies, methods and techniques of education based on the main achievements in the history of methods of teaching Russian language and literature at school.
- Demonstrate knowledge of different approaches to the typology of Russian language and literature lessons at school.
4. Differentiate the hierarchy of the language system with the help of phonetic component, morphemic, word-formation, morphological, syntactic analysis.
5. To carry out source analysis of linguistic facts.
- Use modern linguistic methods and techniques in scientific research of language and speech (analysis of historical and cultural information, conversion analysis, component analysis, analysis of logical relations between sentences, etc.).
- Differentiate the stages of the literary process in the national and world context.
6. To characterize scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world, reflected in the literature, fundamental concepts, on the basis of which these pictures are described.
7. To carry out a comprehensive analysis of literary works from the standpoint of ideological and thematic content, genre features, plot-compositional features, style and poetics; to demonstrate the ability to use the methodology of other humanities in the procedures of analysis of works of art
8. Model lesson outlines of different types; identify goals, objectives, stages, specific courses of action (operations) focused on the development of key competences of students; interpret the results of the protection of the methodological portfolio based on the reflexion of their methodological literacy.
9. Demonstrate the ability of scientific reasoning, scientific discussion and polemics, to determine one's own position in relation to the facts of spiritual culture, language and literature; - Create on their basis scientific essays, essays, reviews, etc;
10. To carry out different types of scientific design (research project, scientific article, dissertation, etc.);
11. To disseminate and popularize philological knowledge in educational work with students, as well as in projects related to the maintenance of speech culture of the population.
12. analyze information from various sources, in global computer networks.
Build professional relationships with colleagues and management.
Use the data of related sciences for their professional purposes: sociology, economics, psychology.
To develop and implement cultural and educational projects.
To take into account the socio-cultural differences between people in their professional activities.
Flexible adaptation in non-standard situations that inevitably occur at work
To independently master new information technologies
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