Scientific Directions

On the basis of chair the international scientifically-practical conferences have been spent:

1. A role of foreign and domestic mass-media in creation of image of Kazakhstan. The international scientifically-practical conference devoted to the 80 anniversary Treasury of a name al-Farabi. – on February, 2014.

2. New standards of journalistic formation: the theory and practice. The international scientifically-practical conference. – on April, 2015

3. Konvergentnaja journalism in Kazakhstan: a reality or a myth? The international scientifically-practical conference. – on November, 2015

Teachers of chair are constant participants of the international journalistic Congresses, Forums, Media Kurultaev, etc. meetings.

Participation of our employees in scientific conferences of leading high schools of the world, such as the Moscow State University of a name of M.Lomonosova, the St.-Petersburg university of trade unions is traditional, etc.

Students of chair take part in student's scientifically-practical conferences of different level of republic and outside of.

The main scientific directions and the main focus is the study and analysis of national media in order to implement scientific results into work to improve the communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The basis of the results of scientific research: The Department of periodicals and online journalism conducts research work on priority areas:

• Investigation of a new system of journalistic genres and genre variety of nonfiction texts;

• Investigation of the creative activity of national leaders and prominent journalists and publicists;

• Development of theoretical basis and analysis of the practice of newspapers, magazines, broadcasters;

• Study the development and global experience of modern convergent journalism and creative features of journalistic work in a converged media;

• Examining problematic issues of media culture, as a special type of cultural information society;

• Investigation of current issues of periodicals and Internet journalism. History and Theory of Mass Communication conducts scientific research on priority areas: * Basic research on the history of national and world journalism and science * The development of skills at the Academy of Journalism of Kazakhstan * Preparation multi-volume encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books in the field of mass media; * Conduct research on current topics of history of journalism and publishing scientific papers and textbooks in this area; teleradiozhurnalistiki Department conducts scientific research on priority areas:

• The study of history and theory of domestic telepublitsistiki;

• Study the way to becoming the Kazakh television and radio, the processes of development of information programs and policies broadcasting;

• Improving the performance of the body and radio, analyzing the experience of television and radio journalism in Kazakhstan;

• Development of practical skills students in the preparation of television and radio. Department of International Journalism, conducts scientific research on priority areas:

• Development of partnerships with foreign embassies, international organizations, scientific and educational centers;

• Investigation of current issues in international relations and globalization;

• actively seeking foreign investors are able to fund scientific research in the field of media communications;

• Conducting training and workshops foreign professors to introduce the latest scientific developments of media in modern learning;

• Participation in international conferences, symposia, seminars. The Department of Public Relations and Advertising conducts scientific research on priority areas:

• Studies on PR, establishment and development of the theory and practice of public relations in Kazakhstan and abroad;

• research and monitoring of media and advertising activities in the country,

• study Development economic fundamentals of the editorial teams.

• Training in public relations, media management, advertising and business advertising;

• promote the creation of the image of the university using the latest technologies in the field of PR and advertising;

• use to project a positive image of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, the strengths of the university building;

• the economic crisis shows the possibility of obtaining a quality education and career development;

• organization with the editorial media closely for an instant update of events occurring at the university;

• strengthening international ties in order to create factor recognition KazNU. Al-Farabi outside Kazakhstan. Dept. of publishing and design media conducts scientific research on priority areas:

• theory and practice of publishing in Kazakhstan;

• scientific and methodological bases editorial examination of the text;

• the economic foundations of the republic of book publishing;

• problems of interaction between theory and journalism publishing.

• conceptual shape design projects for book publishers and media UNESCO Chair has the following functions: * Conducts research in the field of journalism. * Organize round tables, meetings with local and foreign journalists, with experts in the field of mass communication, information process, with the foreign expert consultants in the field of media. * In cooperation with the Department of Journalism Department of UNESCO conducts scientific conferences on the problems of the theory of practice the media in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. * Participates in various research, educational and artistic grants from international foundations and organizations. * Collaborates with various universities, research centers in Kazakhstan and abroad. * Conducted training sessions, training workshops on new information technologies, Web-journalism, media management, PR and advertising. * Conducts presentations of new books, trade publications, and various international programs, grants, art competitions for journalists teachers and students * Conducts research activities to strengthen the image of the KNU named after al-Farabi in respect of such international organizations as UNESCO and ORBICOM.