Information for Students on scientific researches

At the department operates two student mug - "Young sinologist " and " Chinese Club " who organized annual meetings with famous kitaevedami , hold contests and festivals of Chinese culture, are preparing students to participate in the city and national contests and competitions in the Chinese language . Each year a growing number of students participating in various contests and competitions . Our students are all winners of such competitions as the International Competition " Chinese Bridge " permanent participants , winners of national competitions "Best scientific work ," International Student Scientific Congress " World of Science ", the Republican Olympiad on the Chinese language .

Within the circle "Young sinologist " students are able to prepare for participation in the annual international student conference , learn how to do meaningful research reports , which in turn will help in writing term papers and dissertations .

As part of the same " Chinese Club " , students can not only develop their Chinese language outside class hours , but they are interested and engaged in creative activities.