General Information

Education at the department is oriented on a formation and development of student’s personal qualities, implementation of teacher personal-developmental potential at student’s intensive cognitive activity, creative activity and self-dependence which ensure self-determination and self-realization.

Being guided by “Programme on comprehensive education in educational facilities of the RK” and other recommendation documents of the MES RK, as well as by instructional materials of al-Farabi KazNU educational process is in progress on the different directions: scientific seminars, open curatorial hours on actual life themes, organization of the day of the department in dormitory and others. The University administration supports educational activities realization.

The practical aim of the education is contribution to knack of accommodation to varying conditions, management decision making, formation of active, purposeful, business personality.

Five curator-advisers of groups studying on the speciality “5B060100 – Математика” work as a part of the department. They occupied themself with solving issues on education, leisure activities, social conditions of student’s life, and also perform the office of student’s academic mentor on the corresponding speciality assisting in choosing learning trajectory (formation the individual curriculum) and educational program mastering during the training period. an education system implementation is realized in learning process and in extracurricular activities.

Student council at dormitory takes the lead in organization of athletics and celebration events.