Scientific Projects and Researches

The main scientific researches for 2012-2015 (2020) years

  • "Biological features, current state and protection of tsenopopulyation of some rare species of plants of Almaty area" (2012-2014). Gosregistration's No. 0112PK00326. Research supervisor: Mukhitdinov N. M., Doctor of Biological Science, professor.
  • "Botanical researches of some perspective views from Polygonaceae Juss family. (sort Polygonum L. ) local flora" (2012-2014). Ametov A.A. Candidate of Biology. associate professor.
  • 0142/GF. Development of methods of an assessment of degradation of mountain systems with use of data of remote sensing on the example of mountains Kugney Alatau and Turaygyr. Рег.№ 0112PK00256. Doctor of Biological Science, professor Nesterova S.G.
  • 0152/GF. Current state of a biodiversity of ecosystems of subalpine and Alpine zones of Zailiysky and Dzungarian Ala Tau. Рег.№ 0112PK00330. Doctor of Biological Science, professor Nurtazin S. T.
  • 0159/GF. Studying of a variety of communities and a condition of populations of fishes in the conditions of the flukturiruyushchy environment. Рег.№ 0112PK00249. Candidate of Biology Mamilov N. Sh.
  • 0762/GF3 Biological features and phytochemical research of perspective species of plants of the sort Echinops L. in the conditions of the Dzhungaro-Severotyanshanksy mountain province, development of phytopreparations on their basis. associate professor Akhtayeva N. Z. Candidate of Biology Mamurova A.T.
  • Қазақстан өсімдіктерінің анықтағышы (Determinant of plants of Kazakhstan). must be N of Aralbay M. K. к.б.н. Kuatbayev A.T.
  • Studying of a condition of vegetable communities and structural and biochemical features of adaptation of plants in the conditions of pollution by xenobiotics, for the purpose of their use for фиторемидиации. Doctor of Biological Aydosova S. S.
  • Influence of recreational activity on the main vegetable communities of Zailiysky Ala Tau within Ile-Alatausky national park. Doctor of Biological Science Nesterov S. G.
  • Development of the unified methods of biotesting of water ecosystems Candidate of Biology. Zharkova I.M.
  • Phytochemical and structural research of plants of the sort Climocoptera and галофитов Kazakhstan, development of preparations on their basis. Doctor of Biological Science Aydosov S. S., Candidate of Biology. Akhtayeva N. Z.
  • "Influence Studying the Gonadotropnykh of Hormones on Gisto — and Ultrastructure of Target Organs of Producers Germoplazmy" project (2012-2014). Head: Candidate of Biology associate professor Esimsiitova Z.B.