Awards and achievements of chair


Жаратылыстану-техникалық, әлеуметтік-гуманитарлық және экономикалық ғылымдар бойынша студенттердің ең үздік ғылыми жұмысына арналған республикалық байқауда 3-ші орын алғаны үшін  Туралиева Гулбақыт марапатталады. ғылыми жетекшілері: Мамурова А.Т., Ахтаева Н.З.,








On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Biodiversity and Biological Resources, Al-Farabi KazNU Saparov Kuandyk Abenovich, for his achievements in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded the badge "For success in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Doctoral student of the 1st course of the specialty "Geobotany" of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Shadmanova Laura attended the IV (XII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg on April 22-28, 2018

From April 15 to April 21, 2018 in Moscow-Zvenigorod, the Third International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists on Fisheries and Ecology, Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of K.M. Deryugin "PROSPECTS OF FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD"

Young scientists and specialists of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Omarova Zh.S., Shalgimbayeva S.M., Jumakhanova G.B., Korbozova N.K. took part in its work and a 4-year student Dzhumagazeeva Diana. 

Assistant of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Jumakhanova G.B. took the prize-winning 3-place for the best poster on the method of voting of all participants and organizers of the school. 

Owner of a grant Ministry education and sciences of RK "The Best Teacher of Higher Education Institution" of 2017

Аhtaeva Nursulu

candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer


24th November, 2017 by the decision of the Academic Council for merits in the training of qualified specialists, Academician Dr.S. Saparov Kuandyk Abenovich was awarded the "Silver Medal" of the University

4th October, 2017 by the decision of the General Meeting of the National Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Doctor of Biological sciences, Professor Tamara Shalakhmetova was elected a Corresponding member of the Academy (КМ №0140).

On May 24, 2017, by order of the Rector of the KazNU, Shuyynshali Abay was awarded with the Gold Medal of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi for the contribution of the university to the development of the University for 80 years.



Senior teachers AS Nurmahanova and SE Sharahmetov awarded the Jubilee Medal of KazNU - 80 years




Sapargalieva Nazym

2015 y.



In 2014-2015, the "best undergraduate Edition" is awarded to the publisher, "Kazakh University" for the book in the Kazakh language "Invertebrate Zoology" and "Vertebrate Zoology"
Authors of books
Part 1: PhD, professor Dautbaeva KA k.b.n, Assistant Professor S. Shalgymbaeva
Part 2: PhD, professor Eszhanov BE, k.b.n, associate professor NS Sapargalieva



Decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Department of biodiversity and Bioresources Al-Farabi University Dr., Professor Saparov Kuandik Abenovich awarded Medal of Vavilov for outstanding work in the field of biology.

European scientific and industrial kontsortsum awarded a diploma and a gold medal quality of professor of biodiversity and biological resources of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Saparov Kuandyk Abenovich for exemplary professional activities in the field of science and education, he was awarded 01/27/2014

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Honored Science and Education




Mukhitdinov N. M. – a gold medal and the Diploma of the European scientific and industrial chamber for model professional activity in the field of science and education, 2013.

Owners of a grant Ministry education and sciences of RK "The Best Teacher of Higher Education Institution" of 2012

Mukhitdinov Nashtay Mukhitdinovich

Dr.Sci.Biol., professorр


Eszhanov B. E. -The honorary title is appropriated "The honored worker of science and education" No. 01490, the protocol No. 386 of January 21, 2013. Russian Academy of Natural sciences



Owners of a grant Ministry education and sciences of RK "The Best Teacher of Higher Education Institution" of 2012

Esimsiitova of Zur Berukovtna

Candidate of Biology, professor