PhD courses
NAO "KazNU named after Al-Farabi" is a recognized leader among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the training of scientific personnel of the highest qualification - Doctors of Philosophy (PhD). The university was one of the first among the universities of Central Asia to join the Great Charter of Universities and completely switched to the modern three-stage system of training "bachelor's degree - master's degree - doctoral PhD".
The first experimental PhD programs were developed at the university in 2005 in collaboration with scientists from leading foreign universities. To date, in the preparation of PhD doctors NAO "KazNU named after Al-Farabi" successfully cooperates with more than 600 largest universities in the world, is a member of the International, European and Eurasian Associations of Universities and foreign scientists are involved in more than 100 universities in Europe, North America and Asia.
Educational doctoral programs of Al-Farabi KazNU are implemented in the scientific and pedagogical direction of training and provide in-depth specialized professional training, which allows graduates to subsequently successfully engage in scientific, pedagogical, managerial and expert activities.
Education in the doctoral studies of KazNU involves active research work, participation in scientific projects of the university under the guidance of leading experts in priority areas of science and practice.
The implementation of doctoral educational programs is carried out by the university in close cooperation with leading foreign organizations of education and science.
The presence of two scientific consultants (domestic and foreign) allows to provide the doctoral student with fundamental training in the chosen field, as well as the opportunity to use the latest developments in the field of science in their scientific research.
As part of the PhD training program, the participation of doctoral students in reputable international scientific conferences and symposiums, the publication of scientific articles in international scientific journals is financed. The results of scientific research of doctoral students of KazNU have already been published in such authoritative foreign scientific publications as "Physical Review", "Gravitation and Cosmology", "Journal of Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical", "Nanotechnology", "International Journal of Psychology", "International Journal of Agricultural Research", etc.
Education is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English. The University organizes the educational process in doctoral studies in such a way as to provide each student with the most favorable conditions for mastering all disciplines of the educational program and for students to receive (upon completion of training) the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in full compliance with the requirements of the Law "On Education", State Educational Standards and other regulatory documents.
Currently, Al-Farabi KazNU has the right to train doctors of philosophy (PhD) in 142 educational programs. NJSC Al-Farabi KazNU presents the widest and most complete list of educational doctoral programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.