7M06105 Mathematical and computer modeling (RUDN, Russia)

EP name

7М06105 Mathematical and computer modeling (RUDN University)

Field of education

Information Technology

Direction of training

Information Technology

Group of educational programs

Information Technology


  • Make reviews, informed conclusions and recommendations based on the systematization and analysis of scientific and technical information on the topic of scientific research in the chosen field;
  • To develop curricula of mathematical disciplines for their inclusion in the educational process, to present material in oral and written form;
  • Teach mathematical disciplines and special subjects in educational institutions, professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education;
  • Integrate knowledge gained in different disciplines to solve scientific research problems in natural science;

Language of instruction

Russian English

Credit volume


Awarded academic degree


Learning outcomes

  • To develop software packages for solving problems in the field of modeling natural science processes based on modern programming languages, high-performance technologies;
  • To develop and apply mathematical methods, system and applied software for solving problems of scientific and design and technological activities;
  • Plan and carry out numerical experiments, analyze and interpret the results obtained, make informed conclusions and predictions of the behavior of the objects under study;
  • To build research activities on the basis of ethical and legal norms in relations between people, to bear personal responsibility for the quality of work and the scientific reliability of the results;
  • Objectively assess the level of one's own educational training and realize the need for the formation of new competencies, build a personal trajectory for further professional training and growth.

For applicants


Academic activities


Scientific activity


International activity


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)