7M05112 – Geobotany

Educational program

7M05112 – Geobotany

Field of education

7B05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Direction of personnel training

7М051 Biological and related sciences

Group of educational programs

М083 Geobotany

EP purpose

The program is aimed at the formation of the personality of a specialist with critical thinking; able to work with data from different sources, analyze and give them a geobotanical assessment; able to enter into controversy and to present their views on the problems of modernity; to work in a team.

Language of education

Kazakh, Russian, English

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree

Master of science

Educational outcome

1. To analyze the biological, geobotanical patterns of life of biosystems, to describe the patterns and trends of development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge;

2. To explain the principles of the organization and functioning of science, the Genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, to interpret the latest theories and concepts as a confirmation of the laws and trends in the development of biological science;

3. Classify geobotanical work in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, to select methods and technologies adequate to the tasks of research for the study of living organisms;

4. Analyze and comprehend the realities of modern theory and practice on the basis of the history and philosophy of science, methodology of natural science, socio-humanitarian and technical knowledge, use the latest techniques, concepts and theories, technologies to solve fundamental problems in the field of biology, geobotany;

5. To apply knowledge of self-consciousness of science in its social and philosophical foreshortenings; the phenomenon of science as a profession, social institution and direct productive force, to reveal the disciplinary self-determination of natural, social and technical Sciences, their similarities and differences; to search for scientific,technical and patent information necessary to justify the direction and subject of the study;

6. To monitor natural resources, environmental management, areas of man-made risk. Develop projects for the conservation of vegetation. To solve practical problems of agriculture, geobotany on the basis of methods of biology, geobotany;

7. Use application programs to solve various geobotanical problems. To collect, analyze and use geobotanical studies to study the natural resource potential of the country, individual regions and regions for the purpose of environmental management. To develop curricula of disciplines for their inclusion in the educational process, to be able to present material in oral and written form for different students

8. Apply practical skills in the field of geobotany. Organize and manage geobotanical works in the field and office conditions.To design and carry out complex researches on the basis of scientific Outlook, mastered research technologies in the field of biology and biotechnology

9. Develop a monitoring program for environmental control based on geobotanical studies.To build research activities on the basis of ethical and legal norms in relations between people and in relation to living organisms (principles of bioethics).

10. Develop and teach theoretical and applied disciplines based on a student-centered approach using digital technologies, interactive methods, forms and teaching aids;

11. Develop a research plan and present the results of an independent study to the scientific community.

12 .Present scientific and production projects, fill out applications for scientific grants, carry out professional and personal self-education for professional growth; be able to work in a team.

For applicants


Academic activity

Academic activity of the EP is carried out:

- within the framework of existing regulatory documents and methodological recommendations in the field of higher education in the field of biological sciences;

- as a result of the implementation of regulatory documents regulating the educational and methodological process at the university;

- generalization and dissemination of new normative legal acts concerning methodological work;

- current and long-term planning of the educational and methodological work of the university; coordination of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (EMCD) of the department for compliance with regulatory legal acts, the working curriculum and the educational program;

- monitoring the provision of the educational process with teaching materials, documenting the results;

- development of teaching materials; development and implementation of the working curriculum.

Scientific activity

For the implementation of the educational program, the faculty has laboratories:

- laboratory "Plant Ecology"

- laboratory "Plant ecomorphology"

- laboratory "Population genetics"


Scientific directions of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources:

- Plant ecology

- Plant biotechnology

- Population genetics of plants

- Plant ecomorphology

- Rhizology

- Applied botany

- Geobotany

- Medicinal plants

International activity

Doctoral students in 2-3 courses have the opportunity to undergo scientific internships at leading universities in the world as part of the academic mobility program. Doctoral students take disciplines, work in scientific laboratories. More than 30 doctoral students have already been trained.

Teachers of the educational program undergo internships, educational courses abroad to exchange experience, gain new competencies, and improve educational skills. 

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

International and national accreditation

For the future employment of graduates of the program, key employers are:

1. Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty;

2. Research Institute of Ecology Problems of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty;

3. RSE Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction KN MES RK, Almaty

4. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Almaty;

5. DGP "Comprehensive survey department" NPTszem