7M02303 Translation Studies (WESTERN LANGUAGES)

Field of education

7М02 Arts and Humanities

Direction of personnel training

7М023 Languages and literature

Group of educational programs

056  Translation  Studies, Simulteneous Intepreting


The aim is to train highly qualified translators-linguists in the field of economics, technology, science, culture; and academic and teaching staff in the field of education capable to carry out written translations of diversified genres, to conduct critical analysis on the quality of translation within the context of modern trends in translation studies development, to apply the current methodology of translation theory and practice, to plan and carry out scientific research in the field of translation studies, to apply innovative technologies for teaching translation, to edit literary, scientific, technical-scientific translated texts and to be highly competitive as required by the current demands of regional and world labor market.

Language of Education

English, Kazakh&Russian

Volume of credits


Awarded academic degree

Master of Philological Sciences on educational programs «7М02303– Translation studies (Western languages)»

Educational outcomes

ON1 To teach general, specific, and private theory of translation as an academic discipline; to analyze the current methodology of the translation theory and practice; to apply the fundamental didactic principles of teaching translation; to classify the text translatology; differentiate the translateme as a translation;


ON 2 To conduct self-dependent research in the field of translation theory using modern techniques; to apply translation transformations as a part of the translation process and to evaluate the translator’s strategy having consideration for the linguocultural features of the literary text;

ON 3 To evaluate the modern theoretical directions of translation studies in order to understand the regularities in the translation studies development; to integrate the knowledge of translation theory with linguistic disciplines in order to organize his/her own research; to systematize knowledge in the field of translation and literary comparative studies in order to classify the principles of literary translation;


ON4 To apply the hermeneutic translation theory in order to comprehend the author’s intentions creatively and assess the adequacy of the translated text; to differentiate the translation and a translator as a mediator in interlanguage and intercultural communication; to provide a rationalization for the typology of translation transformations;


ON5 To synthesize the knowledge about optimizing procedure of teaching translation; to elaborate the methodology guidelines for conducting practical classes; to integrate innovative methods of teaching translation techniques with the acquisition of translation and language skills within the framework of management relationships as well;


ON6 To review and systematize current trends in translation studies; to generate ideas on the theory and practice of various types of translation in order to deal with the invariant issues in translation; to substantiate the hermeneutic translation aspects; to apply the cognitive foundations of a literary text in order to develop translation strategies and analyze psychological conditions;


ON7 To apply the fundamental translation models and the equivalence level theory in translatology in order to assess the quality of the translated text; to analyze and substantiate theoretical and translation universals and linguodidactic aspects of translation studies; to substantiate a scientific text as an object of commercialization;


ON8 To discuss the stages of the translation process within the context of modern trends in the procedural translatology development, to substantiate linguistic interference in translation and interpretation models; to analyze translation in a functional and cognitive aspect.


ON9 To differentiate theoretical concepts and universal models of translation equivalence; to analyze translation strategies when evaluating translation results and take into account the speech and compositional forms of the scientific text in order to commercialize the translated text; to apply the philosophy of science theory in research on translation in the light of worldview and methodological problems;


ON10 To carry out the literary text translations of various literary genres based on the literary and translation analysis criteria; to analyze and teach theoretical and practical aspects of literary translation and literary comparative studies based on the knowledge of high school didactics; to review translated texts of various genres; to carry out literary and poetic translation in compliance with lexical, grammatical, syntactic and stylistic norms in order to achieve text equivalence;


ON11To edit scientific and literary translated texts; to conduct a critical assessment of the translated text in comparison with the original; to identify the causes of translation errors; to substantiate the regulatory translation aspects;


ON12 To demonstrate skills related to work in a multinational and multicultural team involving the processes of cultural, scientific and professional cooperation with consideration to intercultural communication in a foreign language scientific and educational field under the international foreign language education standards; to argue his/her own scholarly opinion in foreign language discussions.

Information for applicants


Academic activities

Janos Kodolani University of Applied Sciences (Budapest, Hungary); 

University of Nottingham (Malaysia); 

Utrecht University (Netherlands) ;. 

KostalKarilina University (USA, South Carolina); 

Humbolt University (Germany); 

Istanbul University (Turkey). 


Scientific activities

Scientific schools or scientific directions of the department, (scientific projects) 

Scientific project: Actual problems of social and social sciences and humanities, Interdisciplinary research of the creative heritage of AbayKunanbayeva, Head - Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Zh.D. Dadebayev 

Scientific project: Modern problems of Kazakhstan's translation studies in the global intercultural space: intellectual potential and development prospects, Head - Ph.D., prof. Tarakov A.S. 

The scientific interests of the teachers of the department: intercultural communication, comparative studies, sociolinguistics, hermeneutics, theory and practice of translation. 


International activities

Comparison with similar programs of foreignuniversities: the University of Applied Sciences named after JánosKodolani (Budapest, Hungary); 

University of Nottingham (Malaysia); 

Utrecht University (Netherlands) ;. 

KostalKarilina University (USA, South Carolina); 

Humbolt University (Germany); 

Istanbul University (Turkey).


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

The educational program on specialty "7М02303 - Translation Studies (Western languages)"" was internationally accredited by AQUIN in 2016. 

According to the results of the rating of the IAAR and IQAA, the educational program takes the 1st place.