7М05105 - Genetics

Educational program

7М05105 - Genetics

Field of education

7М05 – Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statisticsка

Direction of educational program

7М051 – Biological and related sciences

Group of educational program

М081 - Genetics

EP Purpose

The program is aimed at training a competitive expert with theoretical knowledge in the field of general and molecular genetics and practical skills in performing genetic research under the field and laboratory conditions; able to solve scientific and practical issues in fields of biology, biomedicine, biotechnology, ecology, paleontology and other spheres of professional activity which need the knowledge and skills of professional geneticist.

Language of education

Kazakh, Russian, English

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Learning outcomes

LO 1 - Analyze the genetic regulation of functioning of biosystems at molecular, cellular, whole-body and populational level;

LO 2 - Interpret the reasons and mechanisms of emergence of molecular genetic, epigenetic, populational and evolutional variability;  

LO 3 - Use genetic approaches to generate new highly productive strains of microorganisms, plant cultivars and animal breeds, completed by diagnostics and therapy of hereditary diseases, genetic monitoring of the environment;

LO 4 - Apply modern molecular genetic methods in various fields of biological, medical and agricultural sciences;

LO 5 - Formulate conclusions and practical recommendations on the basis of representative and original research outputs;

LO 6 - Carry out, process and analyze scientific, technical and licensing information by the topic of research using informational technologies including web technologies;

LO 7 - Develop and teach basic as applied courses based on student oriented approach using digital technologies, interactive teaching methods, forms and tools;

LO 8 - Design and conduct complex investigations including transdisciplinary research based on the analysis of basic and applied issues of biology, medicine, biotechnology, ecology and agriculture;

LO 9 - Draft plans of professional activities counting the ethical and legal norms and principles of bioethics;

LO 10 - Take personal responsibility of the research quality and moral obligations to protect nature and biodiversity and maintain human health;

LO 11 - Elaborate research plan and present the data of personal investigations to the research community;

LO 12 - Present research and production projects, apply for the reseach scholarships, fulfill professional and personal self-education for professional growth; be able to work in team.

For applicants


Academic activity


Scientific activity


International activity


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)