8D05401 Маthematics

EP name

8D05401 Mathematics

Field of education

Mathematics and statistics

Direction of training

Mathematics and statistics

Group of educational programs

Mathematics and statistics


  • Apply innovative pedagogical technologies, methods when teaching special disciplines in universities; develop assessment tools, guidelines;
  • Get new results based on the research and analytical work carried out in the relevant fields of science and apply these results to solve practical problems in the form of participation in research projects and tenders, speaking at conferences, publishing articles in journals with a non-zero impact factor;
  • Develop new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics;
  • Competently use linguistic and linguocultural knowledge for communication in a multilingual and multicultural society of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the international arena;

Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian, English

Credit volume


Awarded academic degree


Learning outcomes

  • Design a process for researching an applied problem using mathematical and statistical methods;
  • To develop the theory of assessing insurance risks and improve the tools of this theory, which is a system of mathematical models and statistical methods.
  • Synthesize new and complex ideas, hypotheses, methods based on the results of research work;
  • Create mathemaTical and sequential models of mathematical physics and filtration processes;
  • Conduct a dialogue on topics in their area of ​​competence with peers in status, with the wider scientific community and society.

For applicants


Academic activities


Scientific activity


International activity


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)