The positive impact of the project




CBHE Joint Project 598317 SMARTCITY: Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies SMRCITY


The positive impact of the project

First of all, it should be noted that the main achievement of the participants in this project was that for the first time it was possible to develop and launch double-degree educational programs with European universities, despite the many difficulties associated with the laws of the participating countries. This motivates the structural divisions of KazNU and ENU to conclude agreements with European universities and to develop double-degree programs in other areas. This project allowed us to take a different look at the possibilities of implementing joint educational programs.

After the start of the project, start-up projects based on the use of smart technologies appeared: “Smart table for a student”, “Smart glove”, “Smart ballot box”, “Smart home prototype”, “Smart garden watering” and others. Many colleagues have included in the teaching of disciplines related to the study of digital technologies, smart technologies as an integral element of digitalization.

Very relevant in the context of the coronavirus pandemic was the training of project participants in remote technologies based on the platforms of the University of Chemnitz Technical University (Germany). So, for the period March-May 2020, the platform and the studied technologies were used for distance learning by 38 employees of al-Farabi KazNU, which contributed to high-quality distance learning for students and undergraduates. It also ensured a “painless” transition to distance learning during a state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The distance learning platforms developed within the framework of this project inspired more than two dozen employees to develop mass online courses for students of Kazakhstan. The development of these courses has already been included in the plans of universities (KazNU and ENU) for the development of distance educational technologies.

Each team member has a specific goal, and everyone knows what to expect from everyone. In turn, teamwork involves the complementarity and mutual enrichment of knowledge and skills, which is readily welcomed by members of the Project. In view of the fact that undergraduates studying under the Smartcity program participate in the Project, involvement in the Project is for them an excellent launching pad for the development of professional skills. Moreover, the development of new courses and textbooks as an additional resource for training ENU undergraduates under the Smartcity program also facilitated the exchange of experience. Cascading training also played an important role, being an effective means of disseminating the accumulated experience.

27 employees of KazNU named after al-Farabi and 25 employees of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov introduced in their disciplines related to information and communication technologies, the study of the elements of smart technologies.

The digitalization program implemented in Kazakhstan confirms the need for training in the direction of Smart Cities. In this regard, the Erasmus + project contributes to the training of highly qualified personnel of the new formation, which will create the cities of the future.

The leadership of universities actively supports the implementation of these educational programs, the development of the Smart Cities area in their universities, recognizing the importance of training specialists in these areas. The project has not yet been completed, however, university development strategies are already being reviewed with the aim of including certain expected results of the project as strategic objectives.

Having learned from the media about this project, employees who are implementing the Akkol smart city project proposed their cooperation. It seemed attractive to them to take part in the employment of graduates of the program. They gave valuable advice on creating the conditions for learning smart technologies.

Throughout the duration of the Project, the ENU team will establish contacts with partners - universities. In particular, the Eurasian University. L.N. Gumilyova, within the framework of the Project, works closely with Astana Innovations JSC, which acts as an integrator of the innovation ecosystem, consolidating the efforts of city authorities, the scientific and business communities. Key areas of activity are the implementation of the Smart Astana concept and the Safe City program.

Astana Innovations carries out a number of activities as part of the development of the innovation ecosystem of the Nur Sultan city, aimed at solving technological problems. The goal of the project is to establish relationships between representatives of the city and startups, by attracting young developers to solve urban technological problems. The most common programming marathons: Android Hackathon, Open Data Hackathon, Travel Tech Hackathon, also the STEM Olympiad. Thus, the ENU partner provides a platform for teachers and undergraduates of the Department of Informatics for mutual cooperation, training of demanded specialists in SMARTCITY technologies at no cost

At the same time, the Partner developed an expert opinion on the educational master's program 7M01514 - Smart City-Technologies. All comments of the partner were taken into account.

Astana Innovations also acts as a partner in providing a practice base. Professional practice of undergraduates is a mandatory component of the educational program in training. According to the cooperation agreement, professional practice is planned to be carried out on the basis of Astana Innovation JSC. This solution will contribute to 7M01514 - Smart City-Technologies undergraduates in consolidating theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the learning process, as well as in acquiring and improving practical skills and preparing for future professional activities.