Awords of students of specialty "Librarianship"

 1-5. 2nd year students Daiynova Arailym, Beisenbay Madina, Serik Ikkr students of 3 courses Ysenova Salima, Kanibay Ұlnәzik were awarded a diploma 2nd place of the XI Republican Subject Olympiad of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan


6. Dautanova Rysgul Darkhangyzy was awarded the diploma of the I degree of the international competition of students of excellent students "Leader of the 21st century" 

7. Altinbekov Kanat Muratyly was awarded a diploma of the I degree of the international competition of students of excellent students "Leader of the 21st century"

8. Altinbekov Kanat Muratyly was awarded a diploma of the I degree of the competition "Shakhanov Readings" 

 9. Shүyinshaly Shynar Serikovna was awarded a diploma of the I degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

10. Daiynova Arailym was awarded a diploma of the II  degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

11. Kanibai Ulnazik was awarded a diploma of the II  degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

12. Imanbai Talaptan was awarded a diploma of the III  degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

13. Usenova Salima was awarded a diploma of the III degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

14. Otarbay Shakherizada was awarded a diploma of the III  degree of a competition of research works among students of higher educational institutions

15. Tileujan Dana Nurzhangyzy, Mukhambetzhanova Zhaylysyn Turarbekkyzy, Tursingalieva Assel Zhaysybygyzyy were awarded the diploma of the III place of the competition "Zhurek barda zhyr ulmeydі"