Expert Group External Visit Program - Online Accreditation


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On May 28, 2021, the Kazakhstan Association of Engineering Education KAZSEE held Online accreditation of educational programs Geobotany and Fisheries and Industrial Fisheries of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. This event was attended by teachers of Kurmanbayeva M. S. D. B. N., assoc.professor Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Inelova Z. A., Candidate of Biological Sciences,, Akhtayeva N. Z.,associate professor Nurmakhanova A.S., associate professor Mamurova A.T., candidate of biological sciences, PhD doctor Kegenova G.B.,Candidate of Biological Sciences, assoc. prof., Mamilov N. S., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Sapargalieva N. S., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Eszhanov B. E. Ph. D., Associate Professor, Graduates and employers Abugalieva S. I., Ph. D., Professor, STS of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics "Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology", Turuspekov E. K., Ph. D., Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics "Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology", Sitpaeva G. T., Ph. D., Professor, General Director of the "Institute of Botany and Phyto – introduction" of the KN MES RK , Aidarbayeva D. K. , Ph. D., Professor of Kazakh NPU named after Abay , Izbastin K. S. PhD, Almerekova Sh.S. PhD, Zaparina E.G. master's degree, Tursynali M. T. - General Director of MG LLP, Abilov B. head of the laboratory of Aquaculture of KAZNIIRH SPC LLP, Students Kusmangazinov A.B., Orazov A. E., Sumbembayev A. A., Kegenov E. B. The participants clearly and clearly answered all the questions of the expert group.

Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources