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         On December 3, 2020, at the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, curator-adviser: A.N.Zorbekova and 1st year students "6В05102 Biology" conducted an open educational online lesson on the topic: "INTERNET-USE and HARM". The lesson raises important topics regarding the impact of the Internet on human health, and the child in particular. The students were divided into two groups and 1 group proved that the Internet and computer technologies are beneficial, and 2 group proved that the Internet and information technologies are not only useful, but also harmful.The students consolidated the concepts of “what were the rules of communication in the network, what operations we can perform with the help of computers”, etc. Students discuss and express their opinions on the issue: use profanity, incite ethnic hatred, offend people, etc., who do not operate in any civilized society. At the end of the educational lesson, conclusions were drawn on how we should use the Internet and at the same time not forget about netiquette. 

Participated: Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.S. Kurmanbaeva., Curator-Advisor: A.N. Zorbekova and teachers of the department: S.A. Mankibaeva, G.E. Eltai, N.K. Korbozova , MT Tileshova and 1st and 2nd year students "6В05102 Biology".

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources 
