Educational-methodical activity of Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature is the systematized, systematic and creative process directed on optimization of educational process of preparation of experts and including work on:

  • To perfection of realization of curriculums;
  • To methodical maintenance of educational proces;s
  • The organizations взаимопосещений educational employment;
  • To the edition of methodical grants and recommendations to readable rates, special courses;
  • To studying, accumulation, generalization and introduction of the advanced pedagogical experience;
  • To professional self-development, self-improvement of teachers;
  • To rendering assistance to young teachers of Department.
  • Teachers of the Department, alongside with traditional methods of training, apply innovative forms and the methods leaning principles of dialogical interoperability, work on small groups on the basis of cooperation and cooperation, is active-role (game) and trening organization of training.
  • Among forms and methods of interactive training, organization by teachers of the Department, use the following: problem lecture, heuristic conversation, "brainstorming", presentations, competitions of practical works with their discussion, collective decisions of creative problems, a case-method (analysis of specific social and pedagogical situations), receptions of technology of progress of critical thinking, modelling of professional situations, design of various programs, group work on author's grants, illustrative materials, discussion of educational videorecordings, methods with use of the COMPUTER and the Internet-technology (the thematic list of sites, a multimedia album, etc.), etc.
  • Teachers of faculty practise use of technologies of group design when students during certain time develop and protect the project that assists progress of skills to work in a command. Also new approaches are used:
  • To carrying out of lectures and seminar employment (problem lecture, lecture-press conference, lecture-dialogue, a binary seminar, a seminar with elements of мини-lecture-report, etc.);
  • To the control of knowledge of students (computer testing of knowledge);
  • To carrying out of consultation of students on various questions (e-mail).
  • The majority of teachers have own library of electronic resources including, as a rule, not only bibliographic editions, but also complete sets of materials for current examination, both in the form of electronic texts of tasks, and in the form of tests.
  • During performance course and senior thesises students, including within the precincts of faculty and faculties, are trained in work on the computer software. It is necessary to note especially, that for independent preparation for educational employment students have a possibility to work in computer classes of faculty, according to their chart of work.
  • On faculty databases on the basic studied disciplines and the catalogue of procedures for research, practical activities of students on a regular basis replenish.

Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature prepares of undergraduates specializing in "7М02309 - Literary Study"and "7M01701 -  Kazakh Language and Literature"  with a high level of general and professional culture for different sectors of humanitarian profile. Master's graduates have the opportunity to select specialized vectors of individual educational programs on directions "Theory of Literature" and "Folklore Study","Kazakh Literature" with the prospect of continuing education in doctoral PhD. Preparing of undergraduates made the faculty of the department, known in the literary world-renowned scientists from Russia, USA, Canada, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. Master's graduates receive fundamental theoretical and methodological training in the field of literary study and related sciences, high-grade and high-quality scientific and pedagogical education, guaranteeing professional competence and social mobility in the modern world.

Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature provides training highly qualified competitive professionals as professional elite in the PhD course in the specialty "8D02304 - Literary Study" and "8D01701 - Kazakh Language and Literature". The personnel of the department in the face of professors and associate professors offer educational programs fundamental theoretical and methodological training in the field of literature, theory of literature, folklore study, textual criticism, formulate and solve all complex profile and scientific-pedagogical problems, organizing educational and cognitive activity using interactive methods and technologies learning achievements of modern science in a multicultural and multilingual society. Educational-methodical potential program, equipped with modern scientific methodology of literary studies, aimed at achieving innovative scientifically significant results of major socio-cultural significance and provides a professional-quality competitiveness of PhD on a specialty "8D02304 - Literary Study","8D01701 - Kazakh Language and Literature".