
Open educational hour invitation


Dear teachers, undergraduate and graduate students!

We invite you to the open educational hour "Tobacco is the disease of the century", which will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform as part of teaching practice.


Date: April 30, 2021

Time: 11:00 - 11:50

Language: Kazakh

Responsible students: 1st year masterstudents of the specialty "Biotechnology" - Askerova Ainur and Zholdybay Yrysty.




Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the International scientific and practical conference " Modern Problems of Biology and Biotechnology", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sultan Tuleukhanovich Tuleukhanov.

Конференция инф. анг.docx




Dear students and staff!


The Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience invites You to take part in the event “ TILIM MENIŃ – TIRLIGIMNIŃ AIǴAǴY ”, The educational event will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform with the participation of 4 year students of the «5B060700 - Biology» specialties.


Date: 27th April 2021  Start: 2:00 p.m.

The link to enter:


Organizers: students of the group “7M01504-Biology” Abu Nurila, Aksholakova Aizere and curators-advisers Saidakhmetova AK, Zhaparkulova N.I.


Everyone is invited!


Islam and traditions


The Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience invites You to take part in the educational event "Islam jáne salt-dástúr", which is held within the framework of the program "Rýhanı jańǵyrý" in honor of the day of the Ramadan. The educational event will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform with the participation of of 3 year students of the "5B060700-Biology" specialties.




Dear students and staff!


We invite you to take part in the educational event "Мemory of victims of repression", dedicated to May 31 - the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression and Famine, which will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform.


Date: 21st Apr 2021 Start: 12:00 a.m.

Organizers: Aiture Nazerke, Abduali Nazerke, Temirbekova Aidyn, 1st year masters.


Everyone is invited!


Outlines ofthe section "Actual problems of biology and biodiversity" of the International conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"


April 7 at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology KazNU named after Al-Farabi hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi". At the opening of the conference spoke the dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zayadan Bolatkhan Kazykhanovich. Then the reports were delivered in sections. The section actual problems of biology and biodiversity was led by the chairman: doctor of biological sciences, professor Kurmanbayeva Meruert Sakenovna , members of the commissions doctor of biological sciences, professor Mukhitdinov Nashtay Mukhitdinovich, doctor of biological sciences, professor Nurtazin Sabyr Temirgalievich, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Mamilov Nadir Shamilevich, senior lecturer Zharkova Irina Maratovna.  In total, 16 students made presentations, of which the following students won prizes: I-place, Kim Leonid (IV course) Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Mamilov N. Sh.; II-place, Adal Lashyn (IV course) supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, acting Associate Professor Omarova Zh. S., Zhanysbay Gulmaral (IV course) supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, acting Associate Professor Shalgimbayev S. M.; III-place, Turalieva Gulbakyt (II course, Master's student) supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Akhtayeva N. Z., Iskakov Akzhan (I course, Master's student) Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Mamilov N. Sh.; Kaztay Assel (IV course) Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Eszhanov B. E. Congratulations to all leaders and students with prizes.


Author: Khassengaziyeva G.K.

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources 





Dear students and teachers!
The Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology invites you to be the guest of honor at the educational event «The role of Kazakh theaters in the formation of personal spiritual values» which will be held online on April 14 at 11:00!
The organizers are 1st year undergraduatе of specialty "7M05102 - Science Biology", Idayat Nursaule
Kurator-adviser: Azhar Malikkyzy
Venue: Zoom platform
To participate in the online broadcast, follow the link:
Conference ID: 861 453 7746
Access code: 9eRu9Z


Paid internship (practice) at “Arman Develop” LLP Greenhouse


Dear students of the faculty and colleagues!


There is an opportunity for bachelors to take 3 courses of paid internship in a greenhouse near Talgar from June 1 to August 31, 2021. Salary is 80 thousand tenge.

The data obtained can form the basis of theses. Tentatively, the topic of graduation work is the selection of tomato for resistance to diseases and pests, obtaining their varieties resistant to viruses as a result of intercultivar breeding. The owner of the greenhouse “Arman Develop” LLP - Doctor of Science Soontaeg Lim.

A greenhouse can serve as a good base for scientific work in this area, interested undergraduates can also work, the main condition is that it will be necessary to work throughout the summer period, not only during practice, i.e. one month won't be enough. Interested students and their supervisors will be asked for more detailed information and contacts the deputy Dean for research and development activity – Sadvakasova A.K.


Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" of the international conference of students and young scientists "FARABI ALEMI"


On April 7, 2021, the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi", which was held in an online format on the Microsoft Teams platform.

At the meeting of the 2nd section "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" of the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi" 6 reports were presented from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The Commission decided to award:

Diploma for the first place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Toktybai A.K., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Toktybai A.K. was awarded the diploma of the rector of the III degree. Topic: «ҚАЛЫПТЫ ЖӘНЕ СТPЕСС КЕЗДЕPIНДЕГI ЖАНУАPЛАP ТЕPIСIНДЕГI БИОАКТИВТI НҮКТЕЛЕP ТЕМПЕPАТУPАСЫНЫҢ ТӘУЛIКТIК ДИНАМИКАСЫНЫҢ ЭНТPОПИЯЛЫҚ КӨPСЕТКIШIН ЗЕPТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tuleukhanov S.T.

Diploma for the second place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Nagimollina D., student of the 3rd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «INFLUENCE OF LEARNING MODES ON THE CHRONOTYPES OF SCHOOLCHILDREN». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, professor Gumarova L.ZH.

Diploma for the second place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Sadyrbayeva G. master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ГЕМОДИНАМИКАНЫҢ ЦИРКАДИАНДЫҚ ЫРҒАҚТАРЫНА ГЕОМАГНИТТІ БЕЛСЕНДІЛІКТІҢ ӘСЕРІН ЗЕРТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, professor Gumarova L.ZH    

Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Boranbayeva G., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ЖАС ЖӘНЕ КӘРІ ЕГЕУҚҰЙРЫҚТАРДЫҢ ЛИМФА ҚҰРАМЫН ЗЕРТТЕУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tuleukhanov S.T.

Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Ziyasheva A. master student of the 1st course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПРОТОКОЛА НЕЙРОБИОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ ДЛЯ КОРРЕКЦИИ ПИЩЕВОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ, АССОЦИИРОВАННОГО С ОЖИРЕНИЕМ». Scientific supervisor, candidate of biological sciences, Datkhabayeva G.K.

Diploma for the third place in the section: "Current issues in biophysics, physiology, biomedicine and neuroscience" for presentation at the diploma of the rector – Manakbayeva U., master student of the 2nd course of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of Almaty. Topic: «БИОЛОГИЯ САБАҒЫНДА БІЛІМ БЕРУДЕ СИНЕРГЕТИКАЛЫҚ ӘДІСТЕМЕНІ ҚОЛДАНУ». Scientific supervisor, doctor of biological sciences, professor Tormanov N.T.

                                                                                                                                                         Issayeva N.

lecturer of the Department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience 



Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biotechnology" international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"


April 7 at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology KazNU named after Al-Farabi hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi". At the opening of the conference spoke the dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zayadan Bolatkhan Kazykhanovich. Then the reports were delivered in sections. Section on modern problems of biotechnology chairman: candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Kistaubaeva Aida Serikovna, and the moderators of the section were: doctor of biological sciences, professor Aytasheva Zaure Gainutdinovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor Karpenyuk Tatyana Anatolyevna. Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Zhumabayeva Beibitkul Akimalievna, Cand. Biol. Sciences, associate professor Zhunusbaeva Zhazira Kabulovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor Mukasheva Togzhan Dzhangeldinovna. In total, 14 students made presentations, of which the following students won prizes: I place, Angelina Gisbrecht (IV year); II place, Shukurbek Madina (IV course), Kamalbaeva Dinara (IV course); III place, Amina Raidinova (IV course), Sarsenbek Balausa (IV course); Myrzakhmetova Gulnaz (IV course).

Author: Doktyrbay G.