Integrated scientific and practical event "International Week" (International Week) with international participation


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From March 26 to March 30, 2018, an integrated scientific and practical event "International Week" (International Week) with international participation organized by the Department "World Economy and International Economic Relations" will be held at the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don) .

Within the framework of the International Week, it is planned to:March 27 - Interuniversity scientific-practical student conference "The Facets of International Cooperation: Economics, Politics, Culture" (will be held in the building of the Don State Public Library, Rostov-na-Donu);March 29 - National Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: "The Boundaries of Scientific Cooperation: Trends in the Development of International Economic Studies" (will be held in Building 8 of the DSTU) - using a space bridge with Russian and foreign universities; from 26 to 30 March - open lectures by leading Russian and foreign scientists (will take place in the buildings of DSTU).Languages ​​of the International week: Russian, English.To participate in the activities of the International Week, it is necessary to send an application and abstracts by the following form before March 5, 2018:

Фамилия, имя, отчество (полностью)


Организация – место работы/ учебы (полностью)


Город, страна




Ученая степень, ученое звание


Служебный (или дом.) адрес, с указанием индексов


Служебный и мобильный телефоны


Адрес электронной почты


Тема доклада


As a result of the event, it is planned to publish conference proceedings.Requirements for the design of the materials submitted. Materials are submitted and electronic version in the form of a text file (Word), whose name must match the author's surname. Font - TimesNewRoman; font size - 14; indent from all sides - 2 cm; the interval between the lines is one and a half; in the upper right corner of the material it is necessary to indicate the author's surname and initials, academic degree, academic title, university abbreviation, the city, country; the title of the report is printed in capital letters, without quotes, underscores, hyphens and points; Heading header top and bottom - 1 blank line on the computer; footnotes, pages; pages are numbered in pencil; correction by pen and pencil is not allowed.

Materials for publication with a volume of 3 to 7 pages, drawn up in accordance with the above requirements, must be submitted to the Organizing Committee by e-mail:,, within 5 March 2018. In the letter, please specify the topic: "International Week".

he Organizing Committee reserves the right to select the materials sent, does not enter into correspondence with the authors, organizes a written review of the submitted materials and their return to the authors.Contact Information:Sergey Zmiyak, Head of the Department "World Economy and International Economic Relations", Don State Technical University, tel. 8-863-238-13-62;Ugnich Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor of the Department "World Economy and International Economic Relations", Don State Technical University, tel. 8-863-238-13-62; 8-988-898-44-74.