Kazakhstan National Monitoring Committee IGIP (KNMK)

Kazakhstan National Monitoring Committee IGIP (KNMK) was established in 2008. The President is the Doctor of technical sciences, professor, and the full member of the International Engineering Academy Mutanov M. G. The main task of KNMK IGIP is to participate in the formation of national policies in the field of engineering pedagogical education of teachers of technical colleges and carrying out a practical step to coordinate a practical work in this area with the international requirements. The activity KNMK IGIP is based on the ideas put in a basis of the International Society for Engineering Education IGIP.

At the initiative of Kazakhstan National Monitoring Committee IGIP in a number of technical universities of the country are created fundamentally new training centers and teacher training - Centre for Engineering Pedagogy (CIP), solving the problem of scientifically planned and methodically reasonable for each category of students of psychological, educational and professional training (graduate students, beginning teachers and teachers with experience). The activity of KNMK IGIP Centre for Engineering Pedagogy provides:

• effective development of level of pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical skill of the faculty of engineering institutions;

• preservation of the best features and traditions of national schools, , professional development of teachers of higher education;

• compliance of the content of preparation and requirements for teachers of engineering institutions of Kazakhstan to the conventional criteria and norms in the world community.

To date, the center for Engineering Education, located in Almaty, has received official accreditation in the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP). Total in Europe are located 35 such centers, and one more in Brazil. The Charter of IGIP provides for re-accreditation IGIP Centre for Engineering Pedagogy once in five years.

In the period from 2008 to 2017 on presentation of Kazakhstan national monitoring committee of 34 teachers of technical specialties from various universities of Kazakhstan are included in the register «ING-PAED IGIP» and received diplomas of the International Society for Engineering Education on awarding him the title of "International Engineering Educator ING-PAED IGIP » (see. Certified teachers