Transfer of technologies

Transfer of technologies (ТТ) is distribution of applied technological knowledge: production methods, progressive ideas, models, algorithms, and also innovative products as within industry, between sectors, regions, or between countries.

В КазНУ им.аль-Фараби трансферт технологий осуществляется через «Офис коммерциализации» при Научно-технологическом парке университета (, входящий в Казахстанскую сеть трансферта технологий. Казахстанская сеть трансферта технологий ( представляет собой информационную платформу для обмена и поиска технологий, налаживания контактов между разработчиками технологий и производителями, как в Казахстане, так и за его пределами.

What is transfer of technologies?

Transfer of any technology suggests a mandatory transfer of the technology to organization (legal entity), which carries out its industrial implementation, although it is not necessarily to be related to the earning a profit when using the technology (eg, when using TT in education, health, or for protection of environment).

Transfer of any technology suggests a mandatory transfer of the technology to organization (legal entity), which carries out its industrial implementation, although it is not necessarily to be related to the earning a profit when using the technology (eg, when using TT in education, health, or for protection of environment).

Why universities need transfer of technologies?

Transfer of technologies improves the probability of new discoveries and innovations, new methods of application of natural materials and new methods in science to help in solving of industrial and medical problems that lead to creation of useful products, processes and services in Kazakhstan and in the world, to creation of new relations between researchers, to exchange of materials, information and specialists with industry, adding new perspectives for university research programs and creating new and unique opportunities for staff and students. Also, transfer of technologies can lead to an influx of cash payments for licenses (royalties).

Students of engineering, biotechnology, IT and business specialties, showing a great interest and desire to create new technologies, to study the basics of the establishment of companies and actively cooperate with teachers and industry representatives in order to realize the potential of new business models, often understand that activity associated with the transfer of technologies gives them a push for career growth in fields that will form the backbone of economy in the XXI century.

Contacts details:

Temirbayev Amirkhan Adilkhanovich

Director of Scientific Technology Park of KazNU named after al-Farabi

Tel.: 8 (727) 377 32 83