Mechmat alumni in Forbes magazine


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"In 2012, after graduating from mehmat KazNU, Aibek and his friend opened a website and app development company, Bugin Group. Subsequently, a holding company grew on its basis, which includes the development division of Bugin Soft, a news portal, Bugin Entertainment video content and advertising Studio and educational project.


When working on the educational platform, the project's founders initially focused on rural school students as the audience experiencing the greatest difficulties with access to quality education. For the same reason, they focused on students of Kazakh schools. Today, offers a school curriculum and courses in such subjects as robotics, astronomy, public speaking, and advanced English courses. Lessons in video format are given by teachers and teachers of educational centers in Almaty and Nur-Sultan. became widely known during the days of quarantine, during two weeks of which it received 1.5 million new subscribers. Today, the number of users is 2.7 million – students, teachers, and parents. There are new options for children with disabilities, captioning, sign language, filmed lessons in the first and second quarters of the next academic year until September it is planned to record the content in the Russian language, to run programs for first-year students and preschoolers", say the editors of Forbes Kazakhstan magazine.


The faculty of mechanics and mathematics is proud of its graduates!