Overseas internship undergraduates


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Graduate students in the specialty mechanics of the Department of Mechanics Assembayev A., Zhumabayeva G., Kyrgyzbaeva A., Lemisova A., Nizaliev A., Zhienalina A. and Abdrahman A. underwent international training at ECM Space Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of the Berlin Technical University (Berlin, Germany ) according to the program of the summer school "Industry 4.0 - the digital revolution."

We listened to the lectures of leading professors OA Bodrov, D. Galayko., MA Orlova. The topics of the lectures covered a wide range of issues: problems of industry 4.0 in relation to traditional industries, production automation, machine learning, intelligent information systems.

Undergraduates learned a lot about the trajectory of technology development and their interaction with production and business. Participated in a master class on the modern Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) professors M. Orlov. At the end of the training, they received certificates.

As well as within the framework of the Summer School Program, an excursion was held to the production units of BMW and Volkswagen. During the tour, the company's specialists talked about ways to automate production, how the process of developing parts for cars and motorcycles works. On the production side, special attention is paid to environmentally friendly production equipment, waste and gas filtration.

In addition to studying, students visited local attractions. We visited the famous Reichstag building. We visited one of the most important architectural monuments of Berlin - the Brandenburg Gate.

Turalina D.E.

Department of Mechanics