Event "Abaidyn Kara sozderi-ASYL Kazyna" within the project 100 books.

The source of Kazakh spirituality, the great classic of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbayev. In order to popularize this name, on October 22, at 13.00, students of the 1st year of the specialty Geoinformatics of the Department of cartography and Geoinformatics held an event on the theme "Abaydyn Kara sozderi-ASYL Kazyna". The purpose of this event is to promote the creativity of Abay, an attempt to make sense of every word in the memory of generations like us. As well as familiarization with the world of Abay, art and work. It is such a wonderful event that will always remain in our memory.

Publication date :  4/19/2020