Awards and achievements of chair

Awards Description

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia B.N. Dzhubatova became the owner of the State Scientific Scholarship.

Teachers and students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies sincerely congratulate Koptileuova D.T. with the award of the title "The best teacher of the university - 2014".

Teachers and students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies sincerely congratulate Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Dzhubatova B.N. with the award of the title "The best teacher of the university - 2013".

Kaliyeva Sh.S. 

state grant "The best teacher of the university-2005"




MUSTAFAYEVA Anar 2023 Османгази.pdf

Джубатова сертификат Сауд Арабиясы.pdf

Еркінбек Шоқай сертификат сауд арабиясы 2022.pdf

Жиекбаева Айгуль.pdf

Жумажанова Ф 1.pdf

Жумажанова Ф 2.pdf

Жумажанова Фарида.pdf

Калиева шынар сертификат.pdf

Надирова сертификат Сауд Арабиясы.pdf

Тюлегенов К Сауд Арабиясы.pdf

Фатима Мамедова сертификат Сауд Арабиясыв.pdf

Хаван Айдынгүл.pdf

Палтөре Ықтияр Молдатөреұлы.pdf

Certificate Dariga Moldagalievna.pdf