"550 years of the Kazakh Khanate and Nauryz"

April 29, 2015 in a specialized center "Zhanuya" in Almaty was held the event on the theme "550 years of the Kazakh Khanate and holiday Nauryz" program "Aynalandy nurlandyr." The event was prvedeno high-level leading student "of the Kazakh language and literature", with the participation Amanbay Қadіr sdudentov Keңesbay D., Z. Zhaңbyr, B. Zholshy, Mұhametkerіm M., A. Aliev, S. Esengeldiev, Zhylқybaev D., N. Omarbekov .

Organizers of the free movement of participants' Murager "as manager. Department of G.B. Madieva, P.T. Medetbekova and A. Aushenova

Publication date :  6/4/2015