Awards and achievements of chair

Dear Professor Dzhenaliev Muvashirkhan Tanabayevich, we congratulate you on your anniversary! We wish you continued success, health and well-being.
Congratulations to Doctor of the Department-candidate of medical sciences, professor Kanguzhin Baltabek Esmatovich with the title "Best Researcher-2021"!
Congratulations to Ph.D., Acting Professor of the Department of Mathematics Koylyshov Umbetkul Kurmankulovich and Acting PhD Associate Professor - Tulenov Kanat Serikovich with the title of "Best University Teacher - 2021"!

In honor of the 30 th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan professors Mukhtarbay Utelbayev and Askar Zhumadildayev were awarded silver medals by Al-Farabi

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics Kalmenov T.Sh. was awarded the Big gold medal of al-Farabi "Білім мен ғылымның дамуына қосқан айрықша үлесі үшін" 

 Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics Makhmedzhanov N.M. was awarded the silver medal "әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ-ға сіңірген ерен еңбегі үшін".

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics Тazhekov A.T. was awarded the medal «Ерен еңбегі үшін»  by al-Farabi KazNU
Senior lecturers of the Department of Mathematics Aitzhanov Serik Ersultanovich and Zhapsarbaeva Lyailya Kurmantayevna were awarded the title of Associate Professor. 
Congratulations to the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior teacher of the department Aytzhanov Serik Yersultanovich with the title of "The best teacher of the university - 2020"
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics Abylkairov Undasyn Utegenovich was awarded the Silver medal of al-Farabi "Bilim men gylymdy damytudagy erekshe enbegi ushin"



Professor of the Department of Mathematics Zhusip Suleimenov was awarded by the order of the rector №120 dated March 16, 2020 Silver medal of al-Farabi "Bilim men gylymdy damytudagy erekshe enbegi ushin"

Associate Professor of the Department of differential equations and control theory Khompysh Khonatbek was awarded the honorary title "Best University teacher of 2019".




Professor of the Department of differential equations and control theory V. S. Sakhaev was awarded the medal «Ерен еңбегі үшін»  by al-Farabi KazNU




Professor of the Department of differential equations and control theory Biadilov N. K. was awarded the medal «Ерен еңбегі үшін» al-Farabi KazNU.



The senior lecturer of the Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory G. Dildabek was awarded the title of Associate Professor.


Acting associate Professor of the Department of differential equations and control theory, H. Khompysh was awarded the title of associate Professor.



Monograph on the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Serovaysky S.Ya.

"Sequential models of mathematical physics"

were published in a foreign publishing house.

 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, acting Associate Professor Dildabek G. took part in the conferences “Adam-4.0 capital of industrialandyr negіzі” in al-Farabi of the Kazakh National University


Учебники изданы в период с 2017-2018 гг.


Орынбасар Бекзат, студент кафедры «Дифференциальных уравнений и теории управления» , занял 1 место в олимпиаде «Алгебра и математическая логика», посвященной 70-летию профессора Серикбая Агыбаюли Бадаева.

Куратор консультанта: Иманбердиев К.Б.

Ноябрь 2018

Шакир Айдос,  студент  кафедры дифференциальных уравнений и теории управления , занял 1 место в республиканском конкурсе на лучшую студенческую научную работу в области естественных, социальных, гуманитарных и экономических наук. 

 Научный руководитель: Хомпыш Х.

Октябрь 2018


Тилек Бану, студент  кафедры дифференциальных уравнений и теории управления , занял 2 место в республиканском конкурсе на лучшую студенческую научную работу в области естественных, социальных, гуманитарных и экономических наук. 

Научный руководитель: Касенов С.

Октябрь 2018

Согласно рейтингу вузов по образовательным программам в 2018 году Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби по специальностям 6В060100- Математика занял 1 место. 

 Согласно рейтингу вузов по образовательным программам в 2018 году Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби по специальности 6М060100- Математика занял 1 место. 
   Согласно рейтингу высших учебных заведений по образовательным программам в 2018 году Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби по специальности 6D060100-Математика занял 1 место. 

Head of Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Khompysh Khonatbek was awarded an honorary diploma, 2018.




Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received certificate from the international accreditation organization ASIIN (Accreditation of Systems and Institutions) in the specialty «5B060100-Mathematics» (bachelor) which are valid until September 30, 2024 year.
 Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received certificate from the international accreditation organization ASIIN (Accreditation of Systems and Institutions) in the specialty «6M060100-Mathematics» (master degree) which are valid until September 30, 2024 year.

On the eve of Independence Day, the professors of the Department of "Differential Equations and Control Theory", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Serikbay Abdigalievich Aisagaliyev and Valentin Haksunovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, were awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of Economics".

In 2017 the Independence Day of the country the Order of «Kurmet» was awarded the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Differential Equations and Control Theory» Suleimenov Zhusip Suleimenovich.
   Rewarding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan professor Zh.Kh. Zhunusova with the grant "The best teacher of the university", Astana,02.17.2012.

Awarded with the anniversary medal " Әл-Фараби атындвғы ҚазҰУ-не 80 жыл" professor Zh.Kh. Zhunusovа


Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 5B060100 - "Mathematics"(Bachelor of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018

Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 6M060100- "Mathematics"(Master of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018

He was awarded the Jubilee Medal "80 years of Kazakh National University names al-Farabi" for his contribution in the development of the university (2014)

He was awarded the Jubilee Medal "80 years of Kazakh National University names al-Farabi" for his contribution in the development of the university (2014)

Academician of IAI (2013)

Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012)


Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012)

Diplom of the second degree for the best scientific publication (2012)

Diplom of the second degree for the best scientific publication (2012)

1. Temirbolat S.E. - Awarded the title of "Honorary Head of the Department KazNU of the al-Farabi" 2001.

2. Kasymov K.A. - Awarded the Order "Kurmet" 2004.

3. Temirbolat S.E. - Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. Orynbasarov M. - government awarded medals and "Excellence in Public Education of Kazakhstan" MES RK.

5. Orshubekov N.A. - In 2008 became the winner of the "Fund of the First President of Kazakhstan"

6. Dauylbaev M.K .- Winner of the grant "Best University Teacher" for 2007.

7. Sakhaev Sh .- "The best teacher of Kazakh National University names Al-Farabi "of 2008.

8. Suleymenov ZH.S.- Winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university" for 2009.

9. Suleymenov ZH.S.- Honorary Worker of Education of Kazakhstan 2009.

10. Mahmedzhanov NM .- Winner of the grant "The best teacher of Kazakh National University names Al-Farabi " 2009.

11. Suleymenov ZH.S.- Diplom of MES RK, 2010.

12. Ne W.H .- Was awarded a silver medal "For the contribution of Kazakh National University names Al-Farabi"

13. Professor Sakhaev Sh.- Winner of the grant "Best University Teacher" for 2011.

14. Professor Tungatarov A.B.- grant "Best University Teacher" in 2011.

15. Professor Aysagaliev S.A.– 2012 awarded the badge "For merits in science”


 Professor of the Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory Biyadilov N.K. was awarded the medal "Ерен еңбегі үшін" аl-Farabi KazNU. Acting docent of Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory H.Hompysh was awarded the title of Associate Professor. Senior teacher of Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory G. Dildabek was awarded the title of Associate Professor.

Monograph of  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Serovaysky S.Ya. 
"Sequental models of mathematical physics"
was published in a foreign publishing house.

 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The Acting Associate Professor

 Dildabek G.  took part in the conference "Адам капиталы-4.0 индустрияландыру негізі" in the al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Textbooks published in the period from 2017-2018 yy.


Orynbasar Bekzat, a student of the Department of «Differential Equations and Control Theory», took the 1st place in the «Algebra and Mathematical Logic» Olympiad dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Serikbai Agybaiuli Badayev.

Curator of the adviser: Imanberdiev K. B.

November, 2018

Shakir Aidos, a student of «the Department of Differential Equations and Controi Theory», took the 1st place in the republican competition for the best student's scientific work in natural, social, humanitarian and economic sciences. 

 Scientific adviser: Khompysh H.

October, 2018


Tilek Banu, a student of «the Department of Differential Equations and Controi Theory», took the 2nd place in the republican competition for the best student's scientific work in natural, social, humanitarian and economic sciences. 

Scientific adviser: Kasenov S.

October, 2018

According to the ranking of higher educational institutions for educational programs in 2018 the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in the specialties 6В060100- Mathematics took the 1st place. 


 According to the ranking of higher educational institutions for educational programs in 2018 the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in the specialty 6М060100- Mathematics took the 1st place.   According to the ranking of higher educational institutions for educational programs in 2018 the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in the specialty 6D060100-Mathematics took the 1st place.   

Head of Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Khompysh Khonatbek was awarded an honorary diploma, 2018.




Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received certificate from the international accreditation organization ASIIN (Accreditation of Systems and Institutions) in the specialty «5B060100-Mathematics» (bachelor) which are valid until September 30, 2024 year.
 Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received certificate from the international accreditation organization ASIIN (Accreditation of Systems and Institutions) in the specialty «6M060100-Mathematics» (master degree) which are valid until September 30, 2024 year.
On the eve of Independence Day, the professors of the Department of "Differential Equations and Control Theory", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Serikbay Abdigalievich Aisagaliyev and Valentin Haksunovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, were awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of Economics".

In 2017 the Independence Day of the country the Order of «Kurmet» was awarded the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Differential Equations and Control Theory» Suleimenov Zhusip Suleimenovich.
  Rewarding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan professor Zh.Kh. Zhunusova with the grant "The best teacher of the university", Astana,02.17.2012.

Награжден юбилейной медалью «Әл-Фараби атындвғы ҚазҰУ-не 80 жыл» профессора Ж.Х. Zhunusovа


Свидетельство об аккредитации (ASIIN) для программы  5B060100 - «Математика» (бакалавр наук) с 31 марта 2017 года по 27 апреля 2018 года

Свидетельство об аккредитации (ASIIN) для программы степени  6M060100- «Математика» (магистр наук) с 31 марта 2017 года по 27 апреля 2018 года

За вклад в развитие университета награжден юбилейной медалью «80 лет КазНУ имени аль-Фараби».

За вклад в развитие университета награжден юбилейной медалью «80 лет КазНУ имени аль-Фараби».

Академик МАИ (2013)

Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан (2012)


Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан (2012)

Диплом второй степени за лучшее научное издание (2012)

Диплом второй степени за лучшее научное издание (2012)