Events 2019-2020 e.y.


Project “Ainalandy nurlandyr” 24.04.2020y. An open online curatorial hour was held with first-year students of the specialty Electric Power Engeneering on the theme "My specialty"

 Project “Ainalandy nurlandyr”  09.04.2020y.  An online open curatorial hour was held on the topic “Opportunities of my specialty” with students of the 121st group of the 1st year of the electric power industry.


 Project "100 kitap"  11.04.2020y. “Years of joy and love”
The faculty and students of the department of PPhNandCPh held an open curatorial lesson dedicated to the work of Azilkhan Nurshaykov. 


 Project “Cult of a healthy body”  02.03.2020y.  1st year undergraduates A. Shazhalieva, R. Kuralbeka and M. Parzieva with 2nd year groups 201 and 203 held an event under the project “Healthy Body Culture” “Sport is the key to health”  
 Project "Green campus"  02.03.2020y.  First-year undergraduates of the specialty 7M01501 - “Physics”, A. Shazhaliev and R. Kuralbek were given a room flower  
 Project "Ruhani jangyru"  08.02.2020y.  Students and teachers of the department visited the theater named after G. Musrepov. The play "Kyzyl Oramaldy Shynarym"  
 Project “Cult of a healthy body”  06.02.2020y.  Students of the specialty "Electric Power Engineering" took part in an event that was dedicated to the project "Cult of a Healthy Body"  
 Project "Ainalandy nurlandyr"  30.01.2020y.  Teacher Mukiyat S. and students of the 203 group "Electric power engeneering" organized a charity fair  
 Project "Ainalandy nurlandyr"  5.12.2020y.  "Uly dala energetikterі" evening dedicated to future engineers  
 Project “Cult of a healthy body”  16.11.2020y.  In the framework of the project "Cult of a healthy body", teachers of the Department organized an event for the purchase of essential medicines for students of the department  
 Project "Ruhani jangyru"  23.10.2020у.  Students of the Electric Power Engeneering took part in the event “My Specialty - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” 


 Project "Ainalandy nurlyndar"  19.10.2020y. Оur students took part incitywide cleaning   
 Project "Ainalandy nurlandyr"  27.09.2020y.   Our students planted trees near the faculty  


“Ainalandy Nurlandyr”  16/04/2019 In the framework of the project “Aynalandy nurlandyr”, an open curatorial hour was held on the topic of “Mamandygym - maktanyshym”. The curator hour was given by the teacher of the department Akіmkhanova Zhuldyzai to students of 1-2 courses of the specialty "Physics" and "Electric Power Engineering"
project "Green Campus" 15/04/2019 In the framework of the project "Green Campus" our department held a collection of waste paper. 140 kg of paper was collected. All the money that was given to the waste paper was given to the charitable organization "Kөmek".
project "Green Campus"  13/04/2019 In the framework of the project "Green Campus" in the town of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the Apple Garden was opened. Students of our department took part in planting trees.
   9/04/2019 In the framework of the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "FARABI ӘLEMI" was held a conference, which is divided by topics into different sections. The conferences were made by students, undergraduates, as well as doctoral students of our department with interesting presentations.
“Ainalandy Nurlandyr”   1/04/2019

In the Faculty of Physics and Technology there was an annual charity fair organized by our department in the framework of the project “Aynalandy nyrlandyr”, money was raised, which will go to charity

“Ainalandy Nurlandyr”  16/11/2018  In the framework of the project “Ainalakdy Nurlandyr”, they watched a film by the famous Kazakhstani film director Akan Satayev.
Department: Plasma Physics, Nanotechnologies and Computer Physics 
11/16/2018 students of the group “Electric Power Engineering” No. 233 visited the film of the famous Kazakhstani film director Akan Satayev in the framework of the project “Aynalandy nurlandyr”. After the film was a discussion of the idea of the film among students. The idea of the film is to make students succeed in educating the young people of their lives. 
“My profession yesterday, today and tomorrow”   15/11/2018 Within the framework of the project “Rouhani zagyru”, an event “My profession yesterday, today and tomorrow” took place.
Faculty: Physical and TechnicalDepartment: Plasma Physics, Nanotechnologies and Computer Physics 
11.15.2018. Students of "Electric Power Industry" took part in the event "My specialty - yesterday, today, tomorrow" within the framework of the project "Ruhani zanyru" 
Visit to the theater   9/11/2018  A visit to the theater in the framework of the project "Ainalakdy nұrlandyr" 
Faculty: Physical and TechnicalDepartment: Plasma Physics, Nanotechnologies and Computer Physics 
9.11.2018. Students of "Electric Power Engineering" studied the play "Owner of My Heart" in the framework of the project "Ainalakdy nұrlandır". The students watched the performance with great enthusiasm and received good emotions.
 “Digital Kazakhstan” 03/11/18   Report of the Department of Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology and Computer Physics
  03.11.18. At the Department of Plasma Physics, Nanotechnologies and Computer Physics, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a round table was held on the topic “Digital Kazakhstan - the future of the country” in the framework of the Head of State’s “Third Revival of Kazakhstan - Global Competitiveness” , “Digital Kazakhstan”, Organizers: Erimbetova L. T. Toktomysova T., Amrenova A. Yu., Isanova M., undergraduates - practitioners.
Greencampus   2/11/2018  he event of the project Greencampus visit to the exhibition in the field of energy On 2 November 2, as part of the Greencampus project, students visited the interstate exhibition in the electric power industry. At the exhibition, students received a lot of information on the chosen specialty, their interest in specialties deepened, they became acquainted with many new developments in the field of energy  
project “Ruhani zagyru”  30/10/18   10/31/18 Within the framework of the project “Ruhani zagyru” a discussion was held about the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. Students of the event were well prepared and actively participated in the discussion. It was noted that the requirements of youth are always supported in the Message.  
“Drugs are not allowed”  10/30/18   10.30.18 within the framework of the project “Culture of a healthy body”, an action “Drugs are not allowed” was held. During the discussion, students discussed ways to prevent drug abuse in youth life, and also discussed ways to prevent this problem among young people.
"Language status - status of the country"  22.09.2018  22.09.2018 301 auditorium 16-00 Teachers of the Department of PFNCF and Kodanova SK, Erimbetova LT, Nurgaliyeva KE, Abdieva Sh.A., Baiduliyeva AK, Seysembaeva MM, Amrenova AU and the 2nd year students majoring in "Electric Power Engineering" held a festive evening with educational meaning "Language status - status of the country". The festive evening was in the form of a song, a question. The students read poems in Kazakh, Russian, English and Persian and provided information on the history of these languages.  
"Language is Great Riches"   21.09.2018  Report on the event titled "Language is Great Riches" organized within the celebration of "September 22 - Language Day of the People of Kazakhstan".
21/09/2018 301 auditorium 16-00 Teachers of the Department of PFNC and Kandanova SK, Erimbetova LT, Nurgaliyeva KE, Abdieva Sh.A., Baiduliyeva AK, Seysembaeva MM, Amrenova AU and the 2nd year students of the specialty "Electric Power Engineering" held a discussion on the theme "Language - great wealth". Discussion "The term is devoted to discussion of the question whether it is necessary to translate the words in the Kazakh language, or is it not?" During the event, advocates and litigants shared their opinions.

“Naurys – revival and awakening of nature!” 


Naurys – revival and awakening of nature

Participants: the students of the 1st -3nd courses.

The senior teachers of plasma and computer physics department Batryshev D. G. conducted the event “Naurys – revival and awakening of nature!” in the framework of the program “Brighten the corner where you are”.

Aim: The aim of the event was engagement of the students in environmental protection. Development of intellectual values of students. 

The event was directed to intellectual-moral development of students.   

Going to the theatre and watching the musical “Romeo and Juliet”.



 Going to the theatre and watching the musical “Romeo and Juliet”.

 In the framework of program “Рухани жаңғырту” students and teachers of the department visited the academic dramatic theatre named after М. Auezov on the 27th of March in 2018 at 19.00  to watch musical “Romeo and Juliet” presented by Astana theatre.
Responsible-supervisors: Arkhipov Y. V., Kodanov S. К., Kenzhebekov А. I., Erimbetov L. Т., Isanov М. К., Bastykov N. H., Slyamov А., Turekhanov K..М., Gabdullin G. L., Gabdullin А. Т., Abdieva Sh. А.,  Shinikulov G. N., Amrenov А. U.


“Helping low-income families”




Helping low-income families

In the framework of the program “Brighten your corner” the department organized the event “Helping low-income families” on the 12th of March, 2018 at 10:00. The money collected during the charitable fair was given to poor families. Staff workers and students of plasma physics and computer physics department took an active part at this event.

Responsible teachers: Davletov А. I., Arkhipov Y. V., Koldanova S.K., Erimbetov L. Т., Zhumanov K. Б., Gabdullin G. L., Gabdullin А. Т., Turekhanova K. M., Nurgalieva K. Е, Amrenova A.U, Abdiyeva Sh.A., Shinikulova G.N, Zhukeshov A. M, Tairova N. N, Isanova M. K., Slimova A.N, Syzganbaeva S. A, Igenbaeva A.S., Ashikbaeva A.B., Tlemіs M. T, Orazbaev S. A, Baidualieva A.K ., Fermakhan K., Bastykova N.H., Utegenov A., Muratov M., Kenzhebekova A. I, Dubovtsev D.Yu., Dzhumagulova K.N, Dosbolaev M.K, Tashev B.A, Masheeva R.U.



 “Infection and diseases”



“Infection and diseases”

The 1st year students, speciality “5B071800 - electric power industry” attended the lecture on topic “Infection and disease”

Infection transmitted by air is one of the most contagious and susceptibility for this kind of infection is 100% . For example: If the person was not ill with the disease measles and did not have any vaccinations, the probability of getting the disease would be extremely high when contacting with a sick person. It is so important to get the vaccination in time and organize counter epidemic events in the area of infection. 


 Camping to “Kok-tobe”



Camping to “Kok-tobe”

The 1st year students of speciality “5B071800 - electric power industry” together with their supervisor went camping to “Kok-tobe”. During this trip they visited zoo, traveled by the cable road,   got a great pleasure of looking at the city from the top of the mountain and got new impressions.


"Ana tilim - tіregіm"


Within celebration of "Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan" at the Department of Plasma Physics and Computer Physics hosted an event "Ana tilim - tіregіm".At the event were discussed actual problems of modern Kazakh language, its propaganda among the youth.Held contests among students, where the best were awarded with gifts and certificates.

"Ustazdar - Uly tulga"


At the Department of Plasma Physics and Computer Physics hosted an event "Ustazdar - Uly tulga".The main purpose of the event fostering respect for the teaching profession, improve the quality of communication and understanding of students and preepodavateley.

"Aynalandy nurlandyr"


Within the project "Aynalandy nurlandyr" was organized in the Faculty Fair.At the fair, selling food.Money from the sale was spent on the acquisition of the necessary supplies for the orphans, brought up in the social orphanage "SOS".