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The organizers:

Egyptian Cultural Center at Embassy of Egypt to Kazakhstan

Faculty of Oriental studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The scope of the conference

The purpose of this First International Arabic Foreign Language Pedagogy, History, and Culture Conference is to present the new aspects of teaching Arabic for specific purposes is seeing great demands and needs in Kazakhstan. These demands can be professional, or simply to learn about the other cultures. In light of this demand, the Egyptian Cultural Center and Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Languages at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University are planning to focus on particular themes for their First International Conference in languages, history, and culture. All papers must describe original work, not previously published or submitted to another conference. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of International Journal of VESTNIK, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Conference Areas

The Conference areas include but are not limited to the following:

1- Actual Problems of Teaching Arabic Language

2- Kazakh and Arabic Languages: a comparative analysis

3- The Dialogue of cultures between The People of Kazakhstan and the Arab world

4- Historical and Modern Relationships between Kazakhstan and the Arab World

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, Arabic.

Applications for participation in the conference, texts of reports in printed and electronic forms are accepted till March 20, 2013 on the e-mail or to the address: 95 Karasay Batyr St., the 4th floor, room 424. The organizational fee is 3500 tenge. Payment can be made on the bank requisite: HSBKKZKX АО «НАРОДНЫЙ БАНК КАЗАХСТАНА», KZ4402577501988615.

In the receipt it should be specified: the conference «Қазақстанның араб елдерімен тіл білімі, тарих және мәдениет салаларындағы қарым-қатынасы» («Interrelationships between kazakhstan and arabic world in linguistics, history, and culture»). The Journey and accommodation are at the expense of the participant.

The application and the article are attached to the text of the letter in separate files in RTF format with pointing on the surname:

1. Surname, name, patronymic.

2. Work place, post.

3. Scientific degree, rank.

4. Report subject.

5. Home address, phone number, e-mail.

6. Receipt on payment

7. Internal / correspondence participation. Necessity of hotel reservation (yes/no)

Requirements to providing the articles

The text of the report should be typed in Microsoft word text editor. For reports in Kazakh, Russian, English – the Times New Roman font, size – 14, line spacing – 1, the Maximum volume of the report – 6 pages. Fields are 2 cm from each side.

The list of references should be written in Latin letters according to the format of publications in Kazakhstan. The author of the article should provide his/her resume at the end of the article and after the list of publications. The report text and the application are provided on paper with high printing quality (without pointing on numbers of pages) and in electronic form on a disk or by e-mail (the name of the file should contain the surname of the first author, the report and the application are provided in one file). The number of report authors shouldn't exceed 3 persons. The report text is the original and isn't subjected to editing. The collection of the conference materials will be typed by direct copying. The edition of materials of the conference is planned prior to the beginning of the conference, therefore the reports which are provided after the specified term, or which don’t correspond to the specified requirements, aren't accepted for publication, aren't considered and aren’t returned.

The examle

Сатыбалдина Д.Д.*, Надирова Г.Е.**

*PhD докторант КазНУ имени аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан,

**Профессор КазНУ имени аль-Фараби, д.филол.н., Алматы, Казахстан


Аbstract. В статье рассматриваются источники классических лексикографических словарей арабского языка и влияние, оказываемое лексическим составом арабского языка на языковую картину мира его носителей. Известно, что в процессе сбора лексического материала для лексикографических словарей в период создания классических филологических трудов, арабские исследователи широко использовали древнеарабскую поэзию, «живую речь» бедуинов, пословицы и легенды из их жизни. Классический словарный фонд арабского языка, таким образом, содержит значительный пласт лексики, отражающий бедуинский образ жизни. Данная статья рассматривает, каким образом этот факт отражается на современной языковой картине мира носителей арабского языка.

Key words: словарный состав, лексический состав, языковая картина мира, арабский язык.



Сатыбалдина Д.Д., Надирова Г.Е. Араб тілінің сөздік қорының негіздері және әлемнің тілдік бейнесі

Мақалада араб тілінің сөздік қорының негіздері және сол сөздік қордың араб тілін иеленушілердің әлемнің тілдік бейнесіне тигізетін әсері қарастырылған.

Түйін сөздер: сөздік қор, әлемнің тілдік бейнесі, араб тілі.

Satybaldina D.D., Nadirova G.Y. Sources of the lexicon of the Arabic language and the language picture of the world

The article deals with the sources of the lexicon of the Arabic language and the impact which this lexicon has on the language picture of the world of its native speakers.

Key words: lexicon, the language picture of the world, the Arabic language.

Place and time of the conference: The building of Faculty of Oriental studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the case No. 5, 95 Karasay Batyr St.

The opening ceremony will be held at the conference room of the Academic Council of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the administrative building, 15th floor, 71, Al-Farabi av.,.
Registration of participants will be held on April 03, 2013 from 9:00 to 10:00
The conference begins at 10:00 am

Please address with all questions to organizing committee of the conference:

Tel.: +7 (727) 292 62 29, 292 40 94, 292 57 41, + 7 707 5005595

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