Gratitude of the graduate


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          I, Andirovа Alina, graduate of KazNU 2019 and now I am a master of the first year. KazNU taught me to receive a decent education, to absorb the acquired knowledge, to share this knowledge with others, to know myself and to improve. I 'm proud of my KazNU! All conditions are created to realize the dream of twenty thousand students. There is a set of modern opportunities and resources in our university such as, big modern library, the museum, Internet center, service center of students and other student's organizations. Kaznu is the main center for the preparation of the future of Kazakhstan, as the majority of university graduates make up the elite of Kazakh society and participate in the development of the country. This is an important result of the educational institution. As a graduate of this sacred university I am proud and I look to the future with confidence. During my bachelor 's degree I got the opportunity to study in Turkey under Erasmus+ program in connection with collaboration between KazNU and Universities Hacettepe and Anadolu (Turkey). I am very glad that I got the opportunity to study at the university, which pays great attention to the development of professional skills. Thank you to my distinguished teachers of the Department of TURKSOY of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU for knowledge and education.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Sincerely, Andirovа Alina