Interdisciplinary Studies

There is a big desire of teachers in this department to improve their pedagogical qualification and to broad scientific interests. Even in hard times there were possibilities to go abroad for scientific trips and experimental works.

v 1993-1995 Zh.S. Smagulova studied master’s in department of linguistics at University of Minnesota (USA) during 2 years, she took the courses on sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, where parts of them were introduced in our curriculum;

v 1995 – associated professor A.K. Shayahmetova studied in International summer school at the university of west Bohemia and awarded with a certificate;

v 2000 – professor G.B. Madieva had a scientific trip to M.V. Lomonsov Moscow State University;

v 2007 – professor G.B. Madieva took the courses on professional development at Moscow State Linguistics University;

v 2007 – associated professor, Zh.M. Umatova took the courses on professional development at Moscow State Linguistics University;

v 2007 – associated professor, Zh.K. Ibraeva took the courses on professional development at al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

v 2008 associated professors Zh.K. Ibraeva and L.M. Shaikenova took the courses of professional development at the Center of International Education at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University;

v 2008 – P.T. Medetbekova took the courses on professional development at al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

v 2008 – associated professors, Zh.K. Ibraeva, A.K. Tausogarova, Zh.M. Umatova took the courses of professional development on forensic-linguistic examination (Almaty);

v 2008 – teachers and doctorates of this department participated in scientific school at KIMEP;

v 2008 г. – преподаватели кафедры общего языкознания были слушателями мастер-класса «Корпусная лингвистика и корпус русского языка» (проводили мастер-класс д.ф.н., проф. Института языкознания РАН В.А. Плунгян и к.ф.н. снс МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова М.А. Даниэль).

v 2008 – teachers of department of general linguistics took participation in scientific school on “Corpus linguistics and Corpus of Russian Language” (taught by doctor of philological sciences, professor of Institute of Linguistics B.A. Plungyan and an associated professor, of V.M. Lomonosov Moscow State University M.A. Daniel).