Academic mobility and internships

2019-2020 academic year

Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, 

studying abroad in the framework of academic mobility 

(Academic originating mobility) 


ФИО студента полностью 

Курс (отделение) 


Полное наименование ВУЗа 

Дата начала обучения 

Дата завершения обучения 

Шарбай Темирлан

1 курс магистратуры, русс. отд.  

Российская Федерация  

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 мая 2020 года

Жумашева Меруерт

1 курс магистратуры, русс. отд.  

Российская Федерация  

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 мая 2020 года

Нуржан Елиза

4 курс, спецгруппа


Университет прикладных наук им. Яноша Кодолани

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Хасенова Анель

2 курс, НИШ


Университет прикладных наук им. Яноша Кодолани

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Санбаева Айдана Аскатқызы

3 курс, англ. спецгруппа 


Университет прикладных наук им. Яноша Кодолани

20 января  2020года 

30 мая 2020 года 

Исаұлы Әділет

2 курс, НИШ 

Российская Федерация  

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ) 

20 января  2020года 

30 мая 2020 года 

Аршабек Малика Жайсанбекқызы

2 курс, НИШ 

Российская Федерация  

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

20 января  2020года

30 мая 2020 года

Бектұрсын Лаура Елубайқызы

2 курс, НИШ

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

20 января  2020ода

30 мая 2020 года

Какимова Акбота Аскаровқызы

2 курс, НИШ

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

20 января  2020года

30 мая 2020 года


Students of foreign universities studying at the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism in the framework of academic mobility (incoming academic mobility)

ФИО студента полностью

Курс (отделение)


Полное наименование ВУЗа

Дата начала обучения

Дата завершения обучения

Демченко Ольга Олеговна

2 курс магистратуры, русс. отд. 

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Медведева Виктория Владимировна

2 курс магистратуры, русс. отд. 

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Лаволлей-Гамбоа Лоррейн Александра

3 курс, русс. отд.


Университет Париж Дидро,

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2020 года

Ковалева Светлана Геннадьевна

1 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Кротов Александр Михайлович

1 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Фисунова Дарья Игоревна

1 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Черпаченко Татьяна Александровна

1 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

04 сентября 2019 года

25 декабря 2019 года

Мусаева Ольга Руслановна

2 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

20 января  2020года

30 мая 2020 года

Хамидова Карина Абдужафаровна

2 курс, русс. отд.

Российская Федерация 

Belgorod National Research University / Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ БелГУ)

20 января  2020года

30 мая 2020 года




Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, 

studying abroad in the framework of academic mobility 

(Academic originating mobility) 

Name of the student fully  Rate (branch)  Country The full name of the university  Date of commencement of training  Date of completion of training
Adilbay Bekzat Sabyrkhanuly 2 course, kaz. Dep.  Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) January 20, 2019 May 30, 2019
Pauedenova Gulmira Omirzhankyzy 2 course, kaz. Dep. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) January 20, 2019 May 30, 2019
Sarsengali Merey Sarsengaliuly 2 course, kaz. Dep. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) January 20, 2019 May 30, 2019
Shanbay Ilesbek Nurlybekuly 2 course, kaz. Dep. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) January 20, 2019 May 30, 2019
Nurzhan Yeliza 4 course (Special group) Hungary Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani August 29, 2019

December 30th 


Khassenova Anel Talgatovna 2 course, NIS. Hungary Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani August 29, 2019

December 30th 


Amirali Nurgul Muratkyzy 2 course, NIS. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) August 29, 2019

December 6th 


Kuanzhan Aruzhan Nauryzgalikyzy 2 course, NIS. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) August 29, 2019

December 6th 


Kumasheva Aizat Zhakypovna 2 course, NIS. Russian Federation Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU) August 29, 2019

December 6th 




Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, 

studying abroad in the framework of academic mobility 

(Academic originating mobility) 


Name of the student fully 

Rate (branch) 

A country 

The full name of the university 

Date of commencement of training 

Date of completion of training

Kaliyeva Aida Bolatkhanzyzy

4 course, kaz. Dep. 


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2018

December 30th 


Kyrykbai Altynai Berdibekkyzy

4 course, kaz. Dep. 


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2018

December 30th 


Sharbai Temіrlan Serikbayuly

4 course, kaz. Dep. 

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

August 29, 2018

December 6th 


Gazizova Aliya Askhatovna

3 course, kaz. Dep. (Special group)


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2018


December 30th 


Zhanabayeva Perizat Vilenkyzy

3 course, kaz. Dep. (Special group)


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2018

December 30th 



Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, 

studying abroad in the framework of academic mobility 

(Academic originating mobility) 


Name of the student fully 

Rate (branch) 

A country 

The full name of the university 

Date of commencement of training 

Date of completion of training 

Abdіmanap Shyndaulet Asanuly

3 course, kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg University / Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU)

February 1, 2017

June 30, 2017







Sharbai Temіrlan Serikbayuly

2 course, kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

January 20, 2017

May 30, 2017

Sansyzbaeva Dinara Yessenovna

2 course, kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

January 20, 2017

May 30, 2017

Yerezhepova Rauana

2 course special group


Anadolu University / Anatolian University

February 6, 2017

June 4, 2017










Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, 

studying abroad in the framework of academic mobility 

(Academic originating mobility) 


Name of the student fully 

Rate (branch) 

A country 

The full name of the university 

Date of commencement of training 

Date of completion of training 

Suranchiyeva El-Dana Amanzholkyzy

3 course, kaz. Dep. (Special group)


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2016

December 19, 2016

Akisheva Ainagul Serikovna

3 course, kaz. Dep. (Special group)


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2016

December 19, 2016

Zhanseitova Bota Barzhanovna

3 course, kaz. Dep. (Special group)


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2016

January 7, 2016

Sarman Assel Omarbekkyzy

4 course Kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

September 5 


December 30th 


Serіkkazykyzy Zhuldyz

3 course, kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

September 5 


December 30th 


Kasym Nazim Bakytzhankyzy

3 course, kaz. Dep.

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

September 5 


December 30th 


Nurtaeva Torgyn kuanyshkyzy

4 course Kaz. Dep.


Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (KJU) / University of Applied Sciences named after Janos Kodolani

August 29, 2016

December 19, 2016

Babazova F.

2 Course mag., Russ.

of Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong Polytechnic 


September 1 


December 15 



Students of foreign universities who are studying at the Department of Recreation Geography 

and tourism in the framework of academic mobility (incoming academic mobility) 

(Agreement w / n from 14.09.2016 )


Name of the student fully 

Rate (branch) 

A country 

The full name of the university 

Date of commencement of training 

Date of completion of training 

Levina Albina Aleksandrovna

3 course, Russ. Dep. 

Russian Federation

MK Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University / FGAOU HPE «North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosov "

September 1, 2016

December 31, 2016

Students of foreign universities who are studying under the SOP

( "Tourism" International Master's Program in the direction) 

between the аl-Farabi Kazakh National University and NIU "BSU" 

(Contract number D-2714/5 from 09.08.2015, the) 


Name of the student fully 

Rate (branch) 

A country 

A full  

University name 

The date and the start of training completion 

Ivanov Evgeniy Vladimirovich

1 year MSc, Russ. Dep. 

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

August 29 to May 30, 2018

Tsybulya Darya Nikolaevna

1 year MSc, Russ. Dep. 

Russian Federation

Belgorod National Research University / Belgorod State University (NRU BSU)

August 29 to May 30, 2018



Students of the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism,

studying under the SOP 

( "Tourism" International Master's Program in the direction) 

between the аl-Farabi Kazakh National University. 


Name of the student fully 

 Rate (branch) 

 A country 

 The full  name of the university 

The date and the start of training completion 

Astapov Anna Igorevna

 1 year MSc, Russ. Dep. 

 Russian Federation

 RUDN University / Friendship University of Russia (PFUR)

September 1 on May 30, 2018



In recent years, 12 teachers have passed Teacher Development Course (improvement of professional skill) in Al-Farabi KazNU – (Artemyev A.M., Zhilkibayeva M. I, Zhumadilov A.R., Tojymbaeva Z.H., Uvarova A.K., Abdreeva S.T., Koshkimbayeva U.T., Aktymbayeva A.S., Zhakupova A.A., Sabirov D.Z., Ableyeva A.G.).

Foreign training development courses the following teachers have passed: Sabirov D.Z. (France, 2006); Uvarova A.K. (Teaching Development Course, UCL (University College London, Great Britain, 2008); Tojmbayeva Z.H. (China, 2009-2010), B.K.Chabayeva (Master Program, India).

The International Certificates the following teachers have received:

Artemyev A.M. («System of certification of quality of tourist formation – UNWTO-TedQual»), 2008;

Bejsembinova A.S. (remote technology of training in environment, STELLUS), 2010; Artemyev A.M., Abisheva Z.M., Aktymbayeva A.S., Uvarova A.K., Koshkimbayeva U.T.Bejsembinova А.С., Tojymbayeva Z.H., Ajzholova G. R (GDS «Abacus»), 2010;

Bejsembinova A.S. (training in the field of traditions and service in the hospitality industry under home nursing of Korean center KOICA with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republis of Kazakhstan), 2010, etc.

In 2010 Artemyev A.M., Uvarova A.K. have passed 3-monthly English development courses for the purpose of teaching of special disciplines for students of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism in English (the Сourse of English Language Department for Natural Faculties of Al-Farabi KazNU).


Uvarova A.K. Mynbaeva A.K. International Curriculum and Problems of Internationalization in Higher Education. In book. Teacher Development Course for Al-Farabi KazNU teachers. Improvement of Professional Skill in UCL.: Almaty-London. Publishing House “Kazakh University”, 2009, p. 17-27

The International Certificates GDS «Abacus» in 2010 and 2011 have already received totally 12 teachers of the Department. A.S. Moreover, Aktymbaeva and G.R. Ayzholova have Certificates of Instructors as coaches of international standard. A.S. Aktymbaeva has a certificate of the International Seminar at "Ageam Helathron" (Thessaloniki, Greece): «Practical Training Program», «Discussions among the Participants», May, 2011, and Summer School: Hochschuldidaktische Personalentwicklung und Forbildung der Lehrenden an europaischen hochschulen: Optional vocational education academics, Austria-Switzerland, (April, 2012).

In the course of the international internship 3-d year students (practice leader A.K. Uvarova) to Spain and France in 2011, the group got the Certificate of participation in the seminar on hotel business and management in Spain and France (Tour operator "TerramarTour").

In 2014, PTS departments have passed training in Kazakhstan and abroad:

Uvarova A. K. "Professional Teacher Development", Republican educational and methodical seminar TREASURY of al-Farabi, January, 2013; "Global English in the Global World", Macmillan Education, January, 2013

Ableeva А.Г.МОН PK: Exchange of knowledge and formation of the international partnership in science, NTsGNTE, Astana, April 2013.

Uvarova A. K. Using minimum resources to maximum effect", Macmillan Education-KazNU, June 2013.

Ableeva A. G. KazNU: Elsevier BV "How to get published in scientific journals", RK, Almaty, October, 2013

Erdavletov S. R. (within a scientific grant) the International CONCORDE academy - Paris – Brussels - Strasbourg – Geneva, on May 3-12, 2013; The International Leadership Group SEO-CFO Company on the subject "Innovations in Education, Science and Business", Las Vegas, Nevada (SShA),16-23 of November, 2013.

Aktymbayeva A. S. Treasury of al-Farabi: China staff international Travel Co.Ltd. Hainan Sanya branch in recognition for attendance of Job Trust Event, which was held. "Farab" travel agency, 29.05.2013-08.06.2013.

Uvarova A. K. "Academic English in practice. Digitalize your ELT", Macmillan Education-KazNU, February, 2014.

For the purpose of professional development and obtaining the certificate teachers of department participated in projects Erasmus Mundus, Fulbright, DAAD, Bolashak (got government grants):

Artemyev A. M. Erasmus + on November 10-15, 2015.

Asipova Zh. – Erasmus+, March, 2016 (Hungary).

Seytzhanova A. K. – UniverCiTerra 19 of July-8 of August, 2015 Tomsk, Russia; summer school,  Moscow,  Russia.

Esenov M.N – Bolashak.

Vudvord D. - Bolashak.

At department lectures of the involved foreign specialists like Giuliano Augusti, Bohdan Jerzy Macukow, Levent Altynay, Peter Schosch, Ivanenko Andrey, Major Agnes Judith, Halash Levente have been given.

As well as foreign students from China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Russia (Yakutia) constantly are trained.

Associate professor Ableeva A. G. participated in the V international forum "Innovations in Education" devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of RK and elected as corresponding member of the International academy of informatization (MAIN), September 2011.

Results of implementation of the international agreements / contracts:

1) Hungary, the Contract on scientific cooperation 3/5/2007, auto extension of the city Sekeshvekhervar, University of Janos Kodolani.   

Academic mobility of students:

Babazova F., Komekovа A. – 1 course, magistracy, Kumisbekova A., Alimov N., Kolganov D. – 4 course, bachelor – spring semester of 2015-2016;

Ergaliula Sh., Myrzakhan G. – 3 course, bachelor’s degree – autumn semester of 2015-2016.

Scientific international training of graduate students of 2015-2016.

Alaguzov N., Aytuarova A., Kayrat S., Altynbek M., N.'s Pokes, Nurula E., Sapiyeva And., Kaipova Zh., Bizhigitov A., Kulmanov Zh., Dzhurkabayev S.

2) China. University of the city Urumqi, the tripartite contract – the entering PTS training – Bulbul Asati (February-July, 2016).

3) Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Network University. Two-degree programs for a magistracy: Kaipova Zh., Kulmanov Zh. – The 2nd course a magistracy – September 2014 July, 2015 (have ended a mag. in 2016)

Kanayeva A., Sadykov P. – 1 course of a mag. – September 2015 July 2016

4) Belgorod state national research university, Russian Federation. Contract on the organization of educational process for the International master program for the Tourism direction between federal public autonomous educational institution of higher education "The Belgorod state national research university" and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, September 2015. Joint educational programs and curricula of magistracy are developed and approved. The beginning of two-degree programs of magistracy and the academic mobility of students of a bachelor degree in 2016-2017 academic years planned.

5) Esterkhaz Carol University, Eger, Hungary. The tripartite contract David Laurent, PhD, professor, - the scientific management of doctoral candidates of PhD, the joint publication, from December 12 to December 20, 2015 lecturing. A foreign training of the doctoral candidate of PhD Bayburiyev R. M. in 2016.

6) Harbin Institute of Technology, People's Republic of China. Ayzholov G. R training – PhD of 2014-2018, Kairbayeva M., Bulatov A. - magistracy of 2014-2017.

7) University Giresun, Turkey. School of hospitality – a training of students.

8) National university of Uzbekistan of Mirzo Ulugbek. Komekova A. – 1 course magistracy training in KazNU in 2015-2017.

9) The agreement between MES RK and MECS Mongolia about cooperation in the field of education from August 6, 2008 Batbaatar Zayakhuu PhD doctoral studies in KazNU, 2014-2017 (on the academic holiday).

10) European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education. Lecturing to graduates, doctoral candidates Bohdan Jerzy Macukow, Giuliano Augusti from 28.09. 2015 to 10/2/2015.

11) Erasmus +. Academic mobility of PTS Artemyev A. M. – November 2015, Asipova Zh. M. – March 2016.

12) University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Date of signing 5/25/2012. Period of validity 2012-2017. Joint research activity; Encouragement to the organization of bilateral symposiums, conferences and meetings on research problems; Encouragement of exchange of information, concerning training and researches in each establishment.

13) Graduate School of Management in Barcelona, Spain. Date of signing 3/30/2012. Auto-detection. Joint research activity. Publication of articles, reports and other scientific materials PTS, other forms of mutually agreed scientific and educational activity.

14) M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geographical faculty, Russian Federation. Date of signing 12/17/2014. Period of validity 2014-2019. About scientific and educational cooperation and joint activity between geographical faculty of Moscow State University and faculty of geography and environmental management of KazNU.