Scientific-Research Work

Scientific life

The chair purposefully spends research workings out not only within the limits of faculty and university, but also is actively included in scientific life of republic. Constantly takes part in the organization and carrying out of scientifically-practical, uchebno-methodical and international conferences.

On the basis of chair the international scientifically-practical conferences have been spent:

1. A role of foreign and domestic mass-media in creation of image of Kazakhstan. The international scientifically-practical conference devoted to the 75 anniversary Treasury of a name al-Farabi. – on February, 11th, 2009

2. New standards of journalistic formation: the theory and practice. The international scientifically-practical conference. – on April, 26th, 2010

3. Konvergentnaja journalism in Kazakhstan: a reality or a myth? The international scientifically-practical conference. – on November, 10th, 2010

Teachers of chair are constant participants of the international journalistic Congresses, Forums, Media Kurultaev, etc. meetings.

Participation of our employees in scientific conferences of leading high schools of the world, such as the Moscow State University of a name of M.Lomonosova, the St.-Petersburg university of trade unions is traditional, etc.

Students of chair take part in student's scientifically-practical conferences of different level of republic and outside of.