Scientific Directions

Directions of the research

The department works on the scientific direction of research: "Improvement of the forms and methods of physical education and athletic skills of students " (Director - head of Department, Professor A.I.Areschenko ) .

Scientific research is divided into three general topics:

1. Physical condition and physical activity of students in the learning process at the university (Head – Candidate of pedagogical sciences Madieva G.B );

2 . Health promotion, improvement of the functional state of students by means of physical culture and sport (Head – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Ongarbaeva DT );

3. Features of athletic training of students in university conditions (Head - Senior Lecturer Martinenko I.I. ) .

In the 2012-2013 academic year, the department started work on the project " Scientific substantiation and construction technologies of adaptive physical education and sport for development and improvement of the motor sphere , communicative and personal potential of students with disabilities of health in conditions of university " (Head - Ph.D., professor Alimhanov E.A. ). Under this project, teachers and students of the department have participated together with “СПбГИЭУ” in organization and conduction of online conference "Continuous education of people with disabilities in the states - participants of the CIS: achievements, challenges and prospects". Also they made ​​a presentation on " Actual problems of inclusive education for people with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan ", and participated in the International Conference" Modern forms of organization and effective learning technology and rehabilitation of people with disabilities ", which was held in NSTU with Novosibirsk report "Integration of disabled people into society through higher education " (Candidate of pedagogical sciences Ongarbaeva D.T., Ph.D. and Professor E. Alihmanov, A. Professor Areschenko A.I. , Candidate of pedagogical sciences and docent Madieva G.B. )