Student life and clubs

Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism carries out large and fruitful work with the students. Student's life at the Department is different intensity, activity and, due to creative work of teaching staff will forever remain in the memory of our students.

Only the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism arranges a number of unique traditional events for students and teachers. Annually we celebrate World Tourism Day (September 27) and dedicate to Students new freshmen students that entered to the Department. The birthday of the Department, 1-st December, is the next important day for the teachers and students.

Students participate actively in the workshop "Mountain Climbing", student's scientific circle "Tourist". It was the students who initiated the organization of the Club of Tourism and Sports "Zhas Tour" (2010), the First Student Travel Agency "Youth Travel" (2012).

Interesting and varied student's life of Bachelor and Master Programs who rparticipate field studies and internships in hospitality enterprises at home and abroad.

17 persons (3-rd year students-undergraduates) during international internship-2011 visited five European countries (Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Monaco), participated in the seminar on hotel management and operation organized by the Spanish Tour Operator "TerramarTour". 10 persons 3-rd year students passed summer internships-2011 in the hotels «Aldeman Knossos Royal» (Athens, Greece), "King Saron" (Heraklion, Greece). 2 graduates (Master Program) passed summer schools in Cyprus (Turkey, Greece), 12 graduates (Master Program) participated in school practice in Hungary at Janos Kodolani University of Applied Sciences. (Szekesfehervar, Hungary). 25 undergraduates (1-4 year students) took part the summer internship from May to September 2012 in Side City (Turkey) at the five-stars hotel "SunRise" in the three-way agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Gazi University (Turkey) and the Hotel "SunRise"

In 2013, during the international practice in China, the students received the personnel certificates of the China International Travel Company Travel Co.Ltd., Hainan Sanya branch for participation in the seminar in the framework of the event's goal. A number of students who excelled in the process of studying in 2013 received grants from the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism on behalf of professors Erdavletov SR: Babazova F., Tychkov N., Zhalniyazov D., Abdikerimov A., Mogilina S. (social assistance). A scholarship from a graduate, an employee of "Caspian Travel Company" LLP, was given to Dusipova T. The scholarship of the International Foundation of South Korea "POSSO TJ Park Foundation POSSO" was received by Zhalniyazova D.

In order to attract entrants, the department takes an active part in information and advertising campaigns and in the development of promotional materials for career guidance work "Abiturient 2014", wall newspapers are issued about the specialty, student achievements, and image products with the symbols of the department are made: banners, badges, etc.

"Club for the development of tourism and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan" ZhasTour"


Студенческие объединения







Клуб «ЖасТур»

Каждая неделя

Кружок «Турист» 

Каждая неделя

Кружок «Экскурсовод» 

Каждая неделя

Кружок “PeopleSay”

Каждая неделя


Клуб «ЖасТур» ориентирован на организацию туристских мероприятий 

и деятельности в области спортивного туризма для студентов и преподавателей. 


Кружок «Турист» создан для совершенствования практических навыков и умений у студентов, а также реализации в полном мере научно-исследовательского потенциала студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры и докторантуры PhD по специальности «Туризм».


Кружок «Экскурсовод» нацелен на совершенствование профессиональных компетенций экскурсовода, гида и гида-переводчика в области разработки и проведения экскурсий.


Кружок “PeopleSay” работает для совершенствования знаний и компетенций в сфере английского языка и развития коммуникативных навыков студентов. 


Деятельность клуба и кружков кафедры рекреационной географии и туризма – эффективный инструмент для повышения уровня профессиональной подготовки 

будущих специалистов индустрии туризма и гостеприимства. 


Тур выходного дня 

на водопад Горельник 





Традиционное восхождение на пик Кумбель в честь празднования Всемирного дня туризма


Встреча членов кружка “PeopleSay”. Дискуссия на тему “What is the meaning of life” 






Участие в мастер-классе маркетингового агентства “KARADA”на тему «Как продвигать свой бренд?»





Массовые катания на коньках на ледовой арене «Halyk Arenа»

(18.11.2016 )










Участие в панельной сессии 

«Деловой туризм: Алматы как MICE-столица Центральной Азии», проходившей в рамках 

IV Международного инвестиционного форума “Almaty Invest 2016”


Встреча членов кружка “PeopleSay”.

Дискуссия на тему “Motivation”
