Awards and achievements of our students


Masters of the Department of Information Systems, who took 2nd place in the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemi", Sagat Kamila and Zhakypbayeva Kamila. Scientific Supervisor – PhD Rakhimova D.R.
 Студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың "Фараби әлемі" атты халықаралық ғылыми конференцияда 2-ші орын алған Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасының студенті  Баймурзинова Мухамбет
 Студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың "Фараби әлемі" атты халықаралық ғылыми конференцияда 3-ші орын алған Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасының студенті  Сатыбалдиев Абылай

 Студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың "Фараби әлемі" атты халықаралық ғылыми конференцияда 3-ші орын алған Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасының студенті  Ажнурова Азиза
In honor of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, Taikozha Assel was awarded the 3rd place at the International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "the world of Farabi
   Zhanibek Abdihalyk awarded for the title of "Hildy" (3rd place) Republican Olympiad in Intellectual Informatics and Programming " BilGen HUB"
Student of the Department of information systems, who took 3nd place in the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"
 Students of the Department of information systems, who took 2nd place in the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"
  Students of the Department of information systems, who took 3nd place in the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"

Society of Science and Creativity in the period from 19 to 24 October 2019 (Russia, Kazan) held an INTERNATIONAL TEAM STUDENT OLYMPIAD in ECONOMICS, in order to increase students ' interest in applied science.

Forty-five teams participated in the Olympics. There were many representatives of foreign educational institutions (16 teams), including 6 universities from Kazakhstan.

Team "SMART IS" consisting of 3rd year students majoring in Information systems, under the guidance of doctor of Economics, Professor K. S. Baisholanova.

take second place and received a diploma of winners of the Olympics.



The second year student of the Faculty of Information Technologies Kudaibergen Guldana Maulenberdikyzy took 2nd place at the "Almaty Championship" in the Sports Complex KazNU. 


 Nysipova Aruzhan Muratkyzy student of the Department "Information systems" is a candidate for master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in JIU-Jitsu.



Certificate of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems Beketova Ayman about passing the course at the 8th International Training Workshop on the subject “Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards”. December 23 - 27, 2018 State of Qatar, Doha. 
  Kalbaeva Zhuldyz was awarded with the third degree diploma in the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists "World of Farabi" 12.04.18
   Adambekov Eldos Nurlanovich awarded a diploma of III degree in the Republican student's subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan
    Alpysbay Gulbanu was awarded with the third degree diploma in the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists "World of Farabi" 12.04.18
 Seat Kamila and Abdrazak Yntymak were awarded with the third degree diploma in the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists "World of Farabi" 12.04.18



This year the Academy of CISCO KazNU celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over this time, more than 1,000 students were graduated and two Republican Olympiads were held. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Systems Dzhomartova Sholpan Abdrazakovna was awarded the diploma of the International Academy of CISCO in the nomination "Women in Networking Award / Successful Women in the Technology World". Sholpan Abdrazakovna is the only scientist from the CIS who received this award over the last decade in the Eastern Europe-Russia-CIS region.










"Best Student Group - 2018" 1st place: group Information Security Systems 2017-1A












"Best Student Group - 2018" 2nd place: Group Automation and Management 2017-3В

The best curator: Umarov Amantour (curator of the group Automation and Management 2017-3В)










The best elder: Әten Ayian (head of group Information Security Systems 2017-1A)


 Department "Information Systems" won first place in the nomination "Hundred Prize" in the contest "Қанатың талмасын, қиялың самғасын", organized by the department of Informatics.
 Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 5B070200 - "Automation and Control"(Bachelor of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018
 Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 6M070200- "Automation and Control"(Master of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018
 Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 5B100200 -  "Information security systems" (bachelor of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018
  Accreditation Certificate(ASIIN) for the degree programme 6M100200 -  "Information security systems"(Master of Sciences) from 31 March 2017 to 27 April 2018
 Sandibay Danat was awarded a diploma of the third degree on the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "5В070200 Automation and Management" which was held at the Shakarim State University, in Semey 2017
Eldos Adetbekov was awarded with the second degree diploma at the IX Republican student subject Olympiad on the specialty "Information Systems", which was held at the International University of Information Technologies.
Abduali Balzhan was awarded with the second degree diploma "In the republican competition devoted to the best scientific work in the natural sciences, social and humanitarian and economic sciences among students." October 10, 2016.
Aidana Karibayeva won a grant of Google Summer of Code 2016 and successfully completed the open source project Apertium. April 22-August 23, 2016
In January, 2016, among the pedagogical-teaching staff, staff and doctoral students took place the traditional Olympics "Densaulyk". Pedagogical and teaching staff of the department participated in this event and took 1st place in volleyball among the faculties.

Kazakh National University named Al-Farabi among the universities of the rating NAAR occupied first place in the bachelor . 5B070300 -Information system.


prof. Seyketov A.

The researches conducted by staff of department today brought the first results. On development of the equipment by the inventor, prof. Seyketov the patent RK which allows to prevent dispersion (leak) of heat in internal space of notebooks from heat-conducting elements was taken out. For this purpose the outside surface of heat-conducting elements, except zones of contacts of a fixing plateau with a source of heat and heat sinks becomes covered with the heat-insulating material. As the heat-insulating covering the special color containing ceramic switching on which effectively locks diffusion of heat to +200zs is used.

According to the scientist, the taken step only the first, some more requests the representing considerable results in the developed direction now prepare. We will wait for new results.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dzhomartova Sholpan Abdrazakovna was awarded the gratitude of the Rector of the KazNU for the successful organization and holding of regional Olympiad CISCO 2014, Almaty 2014  

Certificate of Merit awarded candidate of physical and mathematical sciences., Associate Professor Duysebekova K.S. for a successful and fruitful work with talented youth within the Junior Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the training of scientific personnel reserve.

 Almaty 2014  

Diploma of II degree awarded Associate Professor Sapakova S., and graduate students of the Department of Information Systems. Took 2nd place at the IV-International scientific-practical conference "Information Society" ENU named L.V. Gumilev /

4-5 December 2014, Astana.

Diploma of III degree awarded Ph.D. Acting Associate Professor Aktaeva A.U. , senior lector Omarov B.S. and students of the Department of Information Systems. Took 3rd place at the IV-International scientific-practical conference "Information Society" ENU named L.V. Gumilev

Astana 2014  

Diploma of III degree awarded Associate Professor Sapakova S., and graduate students of the Department of Information Systems. Took 3rd place at the IV-International scientific-practical conference "Information Society" ENU named L.V. Gumilev

Astana 2014    

   Amangeldy Aishagul  a 1st year student of the IS specialty, took 1st place in the competition "The Best Head Girl" organized by the Supreme Student Council among hostels.

 Rzagaziyeva A. took 2nd place in the conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi" and received a cash prize in the amount of 50,000 tenge.
Омаров Б.С. студенттері.pdf  Temirgaziyeva Sharipa was awarded for taking 2nd place in the Republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty "Information systems", Bazarkulova Inkar received a letter of thanks for her active participation in the competition. Scientific adviser: Omarov Batyrkhan S.
Фараби әлемі бойынша дипломдар.pdf  At the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Фараби әлемі" in the section of information systems and information protection, Rzagazieva Akgul 1st place, Mukhamedmansur Makhabbat, Fazylov Bekzat 2nd place, Suleiman Inkar, Duisenbekuly Doszhan, Eleuov Batyrkhan, Zhantore Marlene took 3rd place.
Қайрхан Жансая Ең үздік студент.pdf  Kairzhan Zhansaya was awarded for taking the first place in the competition "The Best Student-2023", organized by the Faculty of Information Technology, the professional bureau of students and undergraduates "Sunkar".
Қайрхан Жансая Тоғызқұмалақ.pdf Kairkhan Zhansaya was awarded for taking 1st place in the Kazakh national sports competitions "Togyzkumalak", which were organized with the support of the organizations "Zhastar Rukhy" and the professional bureau of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" in order to "Develop Kazakh games".

ИС 4-курс Қуатханқызы М..pdf

Сакадиев Н. Алғыс хат.pdf

 The works of Kuatkhankyzy Moldir and Sakadiyev Nuraly were awarded the best in the competition "Achievements in the development of modern technologies", held in the subject "Fundamentals of computer graphics" of the department "Information systems" KazNU. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Information Technology.
диплом Турганбаева.pdf  Turganbayeva Madina, a student of KazNU named after al-Farabi, was awarded a 1st degree diploma for participating in the VIII International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Students and Undergraduates "Science and Youth: New Ideas and Solutions". Scientific adviser: Karibaeva A.S.
Mazhaev Sherkhan.jpg  Certificate of participation is awarded Mazhaev Sh. for active participation and performance at the international cross culture event between students of al-farabi kazakh national university and osh technological university named after M. Adyshev on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" 



проф. Сейкетов А.

«Ақпараттық жүйелер» кафедрасында жүргізілетін ғылыми бағыттардың бірі компьютерлік жүйелердің өзіндік қазақстандың архитектурасын жасау болып табылады. Ноутбуктардың негізі проблемасы процессордан және чиптік желілерден шығатын температураның және ішкі кеңістігінің нашар салқындатылуы әсерінен электр желілерінің істен шығуы оның сынуына себепші болып табылатыны белгілі. Жылудың шамадан тыс бөлінуінің әсерінен ноутбуктардың жұмыс тұрақсыз болады, ол ақырын жұмыс істей бастайды, өнімділігі төмендейді және соңында істен шығып сөніп қалады.

Кафедра мүшелерінің жүргізген зерттеу жұмыстары бүгінгі таңда алғашқы нәтижелерін берді. Ойлап шығарған құралын өңдеу үшін профессор А. Сейкетов ноутбуктың ішкі кеңістігіндегі жылуөткізгіш элементтерінің жылуды өткізбеуіне мүмкіндік беретін ҚР патентін жеңіп алды. Ол үшін жылу өткізгіштік элементтердің байланысу аймағы мен радиятордан басқа сыртқы беті жылуды оқшаулайтын материалмен жабылады. Жылу өткізбейтін жабынды ретінде керамикалық қосындыларды +2000С жылуға дейінгі диффузияны тиімді оқшаулайтын арнайы сыр қолданылған.

Ғалымның тұжырымы бойынша бұл алғы шарт болып табылады, қазіргі таңда қолға алынған бағыт бойынша жақсы нәтижелерге қол жеткізуге мүмкіндік беретін бірнеше өтініштер дайындалып жатыр. Жаңа нәтижелер күтеміз.


ript>X-NONEript> Техника ғылымының докторы, профессор Жомартова Шолпан Абдразаковна CISCO 2014 регионалдық олимпиадасын сәтті ұйымдастырғаны және өткізгені үшін КазҰУ-дың ректорының Алғыс хатымен марапатталды.
ript>X-NONEript> Ф-м.ғ.к.-доцент Дуйсебекова К.С. Кіші ғылым академиясы шекарасындағы дарынды жастармен сәтті және жемісті жұмыстары және ғылыми кадрлардың резервін дайындағаны үшін Қазақстан Республикасының кіші ғылым академиясының президиумының мақтау қағазын иеленді.
Ф-м.ғ.к.,  доцент м.а.  Сапакова С.З. және Ақпараттық жұйелер мамандығының магистранттары Е.Н.Гумелев атындағы ЕҰУ-да ұйымдастырылған IV-ғылыми-практикалық конференцияда Алғыс хатпен марапатталды.
ript>X-NONEript> Phd, и.о. профессор Ақтаева А.У., аға оқытушы Б.С.Омаров және Ақпараттық жұйелер мамандығының 4-курс студенті Әшімақын Ж. Е.Н.Гумелев атындағы ЕҰУ-да ұйымдастырылған IV-ғылыми-практикалық конференцияда Алыс хатпен марапатталды.
ript>X-NONEript> Ф-м.ғ.к., и.о. доцент Сапакова С.З. және Ақпараттық жұйелер мамандығының магистранттары Е.Н.Гумелев атындағы ЕҰУ-да ұйымдастырылған IV-ғылыми-практикалық конференцияда Алыс хатпен марапатталды.