
Name of event
"100% Kazakh" 29.09.2016

The Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, the Department of History of Kazakhstan, together with the students of the 1st course of the Mechanics and Mathematics, Physics and Technology, Chemistry and Economics, held a city competition dedicated to the language day on the topic "100% Kazakh." The event consisted of two rounds. Members of the Zhas Orda group also took an active part. The winners received nominal prizes and certificates.

"The head of the nation and his work" 



Teachers of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, together with the participation of medical students and members of the "Zhas Orda" circle, with the Central Scientific Library staff Gylym Orda held a round table on the topic "The head of the nation and his work", dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of project "100 books." Organizers: Kozgambaeva G.B., Tasilova N., Akhmetzhanova A.T., Kalshabaeva B.K., Egizbaeva M.K.

"The research work of the museum" 



Members of the circle "Zhas Orda" together with students of the 1st course of the medical faculty and teachers of the faculty of history, archeology and ethnology, employees from the art gallery named after. Kasteev organized a round table on the theme "The research work of the museum" in the framework of the program "Ainalandy nurlandyr".


The members of the circle "Zhas Tarihshy" met with Professor T.O. Omarbekov