Main activity

         Student's scientific society is a public association of students of faculty which is the voluntary, homing, noncommercial formation created at the initiative of students of faculty.

       The main objectives SSS:

  • Organization of system work and carrying out actions for the priority functional directions of scientific life of faculty;
  • Representation of interests of studens before faculty administration, and also at interuniversity, state and international levels;
  • Assistance of realization of internal potential of students.

       SSS solves the following problems:

  1. Consultation of students concerning their rights and duties, granting to students of information on mechanisms of carrying out research work on chairs and in scientific circles;
  2. Wide involvement of students to direct participation in scientific to research work;
  3. Carrying out scientific conferences, reviews and competitions of scientific works, promotion of achievements of science and technology;
  4. Assistance to publications and introduction in production of results of the best student's works;
  5. Creation and improvement of the mechanism of constructive interaction of SSS with faculty administration on all levels of a control system of faculty (The Academic council, dean's office, chairs, laboratories and other administrative divisions of faculty);
  6. Participation of representatives of SSS in activity on preparation of the documents concerning strategically important decisions for higher education institution, problems of public life and research work;
  7. Carrying out the actions directed on adjustment and strengthening of interfaculty, interuniversity and international relations; an exchange of experience with public organizations of other faculties KazNU named al-Farabi and higher education institution;
  8. Creation and support of the SSS information carriers;
  9. Timely placement on information carriers of solutions of Conference and SSS Council;
  10. Timely placement on the SSS information carriers of information concerning various aspects of research work carried out at faculty.